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Antonio Vincenzo

Dear sunshine,
2 days later
Lost her.


Something I never experienced...

In my heart.

I unloaded the gun and applied more bullets before clearing out that round with such anger and aggression.

I yelled out and slammed the gun on the counter. I looked up and noticed I hit all headshots.


Took my girl.


Sunshine is with my ma in Palm Springs. I was going to take her but my ma offered so she went with my ma.

I plan when she comes back we can go to Paris or Monaco. Sunshine hasn't been the same and has been asking for adara every day.

Even when I call her she gets excited to see if adara will pop up in the screen. I'm sorry my sunshine. I was selfish.

I was so selfish, I lost something amazing. Something rare, something one in a million. I'm going to win her back... I have to.

We both need her.

I dried my hair off with a towel. After I was done I grabbed my phone and scrolled through my camera roll to see adara smiling happily with sunshine as they matched in pink dresses.

I scrolled again to see her sleep on my chest. I sighed and opened instagram to see she posted a picture making me click on it.

I muttered under my breath from seeing her beautiful face. I shut off my phone and went to get dressed.

When it comes to adara I'm a stalker. A D1 stalker in fact. She can't run from me.

I recently found out yesterday she got a job as a receptionist for some business which I didn't care for because my business is more successful.

I parked my all black 2023 Mercedes-Benz G-Class infront of her job. I grabbed the red roses that had 100 dollar bills wrapped around each rose.

I placed on my black sunglasses and stepped out my car to see all eyes on me. Guess they aren't used to men in black.

Out of no where paparazzi crowded Me. I displayed a cold look and approached the doors to her job.

"Vincenzo, have you and Ms. Wilkins broke up?" One of the paparazzi asked me as I opened the door getting the attention of all the women.

I closed the door but paparazzi followed after me, "where's Ms. Wilkons?" I deeply asked and everyone shrugged as they looked me up and down.

I heard her giggles just as she hit the corner making my eyes snap to her beautiful figure in that brown dress.

But my eyes snapped to this male who had his hand around her waist. I lowered my eyes and approched her.

"Antoni- ho-"

"Do you want him to leave?" The male asked and she shook her head. "Who the fuck are you?" I spat and looked down at him.

Dear sunshine Where stories live. Discover now