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Adara Wilkins

I quietly groaned out from the curtains opening themselves letting the light hit right in my face. Antonio grumbled and removed his tight hood around me and slept on his stomach.

His defined, tattooed back was clawed to death. He went 'gentle' but of course he didn't. He couldn't even last five minutes with going gentle.

He claims I wasnt being loud enough. Between my legs were throbbing. I sat up and rubbed the sleep out my eyes but Antonio's hand fell to my thigh making him pull me closer to him.

"Lay back down." He whispered out with his green eyes still closed. "Baby I need to go pee." I softly said and removed his hand off my thigh.

I walked over to the gold bathroom as I held back the scream I want to scream out. I quickly peed and finished my business before brushing my teeth.

I took care of my self before getting back in bed to Antonio. I slithered in and he pecked my lips leaving me stunned.  No matter how long I've known him, he keeps me flustered.

"How are you... last night?" He finally asked with a deep rasp. I sucked my teeth, "pick a guess." I softly said as he turned on his back and hummed as he opened his green eyes.

He gently took my chin and softly kissed me making me smile and kiss him back. He slowly pulled back, "do you forgive me?" He whispered.

I hummed, "if you get me buy me breakfast I'll consider it." I softly said as he pulled away and took the pillow from under his head and gently threw it at me.

I squealed and threw my pillow at him before sitting on his lap but I groaned and held onto my belly.

He quickly placed his hands on my belly as I took deep breaths, "I'm so sic-" I started to say but I whined out from the sharp pain.

"Baby?" He softly said with his eyebrows furrowed. I felt a gush of water flow out of me making me gasp.

"Oh no-" he murmured. "Come on." He quickly said and picked me up as I froze. He placed me on my feet as he quickly rushed to the bathroom to handle his business.

He rushed back out and quickly got changed and tossed on his suit. "Baby, let's go." He softly said.

"I don't even have the baby bag-"

"I don't care babe, come on." He frantically said and grabbed my hand.


Adara groaned as she held onto her belly as I stood right besides her. "So she is in labor but she isn't dilated enough. She's only 8cm." The doctor said making me nod my head.

I looked over at adara who had tears clouding her eyes, "can I please get an epidural." She rasped as I wiped her tears.

"Yes ma'am." The doctor said before leaving the room. "It's too early baby." She whispered and I kissed her forehead.

"We've got eachother. I'm right by your side. Our baby is healthy." I softly said and kissed her lips.

She kissed me back but whined from the pain she was in. The doctor came in with the needle to be placed into her back.

"Your going to be fine baby." I softly said.


12 hours

She was in labor for a good 14 hours. The doctor check up on her every hour just to see if she was dilated.

I doozed off in the cot near her bed but was woken up to a blood murder scream making me shoot up and rush over to her.

"What baby?" I frantically said. "I have to push now. I can't help it." She gritted out as she tightly held onto the bed making me call over the nurse with the button.

The nurse rushed in and quickly checked if she was dilated, "she's ready let me get doc." She quickly said and rushed out.

"It's okay-"

"Shut up. Do you feel my pain? No so shut it." She spat. "I'm sorry!" She cried out making me kiss her lips.

She pulled away quickly as they propped up her legs. "Okay adara, I understand you want to push-"

She threw her head back, "I'm not getting pregnant again." She gritted at me with low eyes.

"Adara push." The doctor order.


Our baby boy Lucian Rio Vincenzo was born eat 12:56pm. He weighed 6lbs and 2oz. He was so tiny and light.

If you guess he came out looking like me your correct. His green eyes, light skin that's probably going to get darker over time, and his brown hair that was slightly curled.

I smiled as I held onto my son gently as adara looked over at me with tired eyes. I placed him on her bare chest and kissed her forehead.

"He's beautiful baby." She whispered. "That's our creation my love." I whispered back as he had his eyes shut closed.

I smiled and took a picture of them together before tucking my phone back into my pocket. "I don't want anyone to see our baby or touch our baby until he gets older." I softly said and she nodded.

"I agree but Amelia is excepted. She can see her baby brother and touch him." She smiled up at me and I nodded and blinked away the small tears.

"Why are you crying baby?" She asked as she went to kiss our son. "Because baby. Look, our blessing. You gave birth to a healthy baby boy. My first born, I never got that experience even though I took care of Amelia since she was a new born but we've actually created a baby." I deeply said trying to control my emotions.

"And you are an angel for keeping your niece as your own. Your sister would be so proud and is now looking over at us at our expanded family. Raised a new born in your early 20's was probably hard but look how far you came Antonio. You have 2 kids and a..." she started to say but rolled her eyes at the end, "a girlfriend, even though wife would be a better title but whatever." She mumbled.

I grabbed her ring finger without a response and smiled down at my son. "Baby just be patient."

She nodded her head and poked his small nose, "he's so tiny and unreal- I didn't even tell Cleo I was pregnant." She spluttered and I shushed her.

"That can wait baby but let's enjoy our new angel just us." I softly said and stroked the sides of her matted thick hair.

She hummed, "I will forever tell our close family about your birth. How the epidural didn't work and how you cussed everyone out..." I released a chuckle, "your something adara." I softly said and she sucked her teeth.

"You won't tell anyone. Shut it." She mumble making me chuckle out as Lucian opened his eyes and stared up right us.

"Hi baby." Adara whispered as I smiled, "hi son.". He quickly closed his eyes making me laugh out.


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