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Adara Wilkins

Day 1.

Cleo texted me asking if I wanted to nanny a kid and I didn't mind. I loved kids- adored them actually.

I was willing to work but for how much and when Cleo texted me I'll be getting paid 2 grand, I never asked when could I start.

And I start today.

Am I nervous? Highly.

I pulled up in the highly rich neighborhood with big houses everywhere. They were so beautiful, something I want to accomplish when I get older.

I followed the gps making me stop at the big black gates that had a booth to the side with a male in all black who's now approaching my car.

"The nanny correct?" He asked and I nodded my head as his Grey eyes pierced down into my brown ones.

He handed me a card with my name and a picture of me making me look back out my window to see him gone but the gates open.

Already on a weird note and I haven't even pulled into the gates yet. Isn't that something.

I drove through the long driveway that wrapped around with a fountain in the middle. I finally parked infront of the large house and scanned the area to see all the luxury cars neatly parked.

Oh no wonder they're paying 2 grand a day. 2 grand ain't nothing to them.

I got out the car and brushed off my pink dress as I grabbed my purse. I was highly nervous, I caught my palms sweaty.

I knocked on the door with confidence I heard a little girl scream making me smile. The door opened revealing a male with blue eyes in a black suit.

A little girl appear and waved, "hi I'm Amelia but my papa and uncle calls me sunshine! You can call me sunshine if you want too. what's your name!" The little girl asked making me giggle and squat down to her height.

"Well hello sweetie, I'm Adara your nanny." I introduce myself and held out my hand for her to shake. She held out her hand that was so tiny and I didn't miss her pink painted nails.

"Nice to meet you Dara. Hey, can I call you Dara? Dara?" She asked making me laugh out. "Of course you can sweetie." I softly said and she squealed out.

I stood up to my full height, "you must be the fathe-"

"Nope, I'm the uncle, Toni. But Antonio couldn't make it because of important business meetings. Antonio left rules on the coffee table, need anything call him or me left on the coffee table." He quickly said as if he's in a rush.

"Okay!" I happily said as I stepped in the house letting the pine smell fill my nose. The house was beautiful, so expensive and modern.

"Bye sunshine. You be good for your nanny." Toni said and cupped her cheeks before kissing her forehead and leaving.

She pouted and messed with her nails as I placed down my purse. "Hey Amelia what's wrong?" I asked.

"I miss my papa and uncle." Her voice cracked making me sigh. " I'm promise I'm fun. Want to bake cookies and cake?" I asked and her brown eyes lit up.

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