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Adara Wilkins

3 weeks later

It's been 3 weeks and I'm two days we're leaving to Palm Springs. I've already packed my things that I was going to take.

Yes I pack early because I'm afraid when I rush I forget everything. I walked into the restaurant that my mother wanted me to go with her.

I looked around for my mother and I quickly noticed her with a male my age besides her making me roll my eyes.

I don't want nothing serious, I already have a sex buddy, and that's more than enough. Plus I've found out he works in a gang, well the don of the gang.

Which didn't surprise me because of his intimidating attire and how he did Mr. Weirdo.

"Hey mom." I dragged mom in annoyance as I sat down. "Hey baby, this is Theodore, Theodore this is my daughter, adara." My mother quickly introduced us before getting up and rushing out.

My mouth slightly parted from my mothers scandalous action. Have she not learn from last time?

"It's nice to meet you adara. I've heard so much about you." Theodore said breaking the silence. I gave a tight lipped smile before flagging down a waiter.

"Hi what can I get you?" The waiter asked.

"A margarita." I quickly said and she nodded and walked away.

"Nice to meet you too." I murmured and just as he opened his mouth again my phone rung making me jolt up and walk away to answer it.

I know I'm being an ass but I don't want a relationship. I've been dragged into relationships all my life, I want someone who I'm really interested in and willing to love.

"Hey Antonio, or shall I say toni." I smiled as I looked down at my freshly done French toe nails.

"Hey pretty, where are you? Turns out our plane leaves tonight." He said making me groan out.

"I'm in a situation to where I can't leave-"

"What do you mean, doll?" His voice raised into concern. "I'm on a date right now." I murmured making him go quiet.

"A date? With who?" He asked sternly.

"I don't know!" I spat.

"How do you not know who your on a date with." He coldly spat back.

"Nope not doing-"

"Stop, communicate with me." He quickly said making me sigh and look around. "My mother tricked me in going on a date with a man named Theodore. I didn't want to be here, I thought me and my mother were just going to have a normal dinner." I stated clearly annoyed as he approached me.

"I have to go he's approaching me." I quickly said leaving him no time to respond back. I quickly hung up and gave a smile trying to hold back my annoyance.

"Look, I understand that you don't want to be here. Atleast just have a drink with me." Theodore softly said making me hum as I stared ahead of him.

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