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Adara Wilkins

Last night was probably the best I had satisfied myself in a while.

Antonio had me prop the camera and spread my legs for him to see a clear view. He demanded for me to drag my vibrater along my clit and moan his name as he pumped his thick long dick that I missed desperately.

After we were done satisfying one another he claimed he had a present coming inside the mail for me today and he was right.

But he told me open it in private.

So that's what I did.

The baby wakes me up early every day just to go throw up. Why am I having these symptoms so late.

It's annoying me.

It's around 5 am. I haven't gotten good sleep but I'm surviving. I opened the box revealing the dildo that looked too realistic.

The thick prominent veins along the long shaft- Antonio's dick.

I instantly rung him and he answered on the last call. He groaned and mumbled, "why are you up so early baby."

"Did you give me a replica of your dick in a dildo form." I whispered and he rasped a chuckle.

"Like it?" His deep voice spoke turning me on. "Let's see, shall I test it out?" I asked to tease him and he quickly shot up making me laugh out.

"I was joking." I softly said before slapping the dildo along the palm of my hand. I kissed the tip before placing it back in the box.

"Fuck adara." He groaned showing me his hard. "Are you naked in bed?" I asked and he nodded his head.

"I couldn't stop adara. I couldn't, it's an addiction."

"What's an addition?" I asked confusingly.

"Beating my dick to your moans!" He rasped making me laugh out. "Your so horny." I giggled out as he tossed his head back.

"Antonio." I seriously said and his green lust eyes fell to mine. "Wh-what." He stammered. "If you want pictures-"

"Fuck!" He yelled out telling me he just came from his whimpers. I covered my face and shook my head, "such a horn dog."


"Hey Cleo." I softly said as I drove down to the Hamptons with adara to eat brunch. I placed her on Bluetooth.

"Hey bi-"

"Your on Bluetooth!" I cut her off and she quickly became quiet making me giggle. "Well, hey girl." She corrected herself in a high pitched voice.

"Hey, how are you?" I asked as I smiled and she sucked her teeth. "Good other then you forgetting about me. You haven't spoke to me since 2011." She dragged making me scoff.

"Calls and text goes both ways Cleo." I spoke as I stopped at a red lightly and looked in the mirror to the rolls Royce Antonio let me drive back at Amelia to see her watching Barbie on her iPad.

She hardly gets to use her iPad because Antonio doesn't want to introduce her and feed her into electronics like that.

"Okay I get it. Calls go both ways." She murmured, "but for real, what's been going on? Inform me." She stated making me chuckle quietly.

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