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Adara Wilkins

3 weeks later,

We couldn't leave until everything was clear with Lucian. Now we're finally off the plane to see my other baby.

I know Amelia isn't mine but she's the sweetest sweetheart you'd ever meet. She's the one to offer up her cookie if you dropped yours.

She's an angel.

"Babe?" Antonio softly said making me snap out my daydream. "Oh sorry."I smiled as he held onto Lucian car seat with one hand.

I stepped out as he closed the door after me as I looked at the humongous house I missed dearly.

"She will be here shortly, in a meantime make sure to take your meds, rest on the couch as I turn on the heater just how you like it." Antonio demanded.

He's been very over protective over both of Lucian and me ever since my birth. Atleast I can say I gave birth in Dubai.

"Babe, I'm not handi-"

"Doctors order. I will call him or book the next flight to Dubai just so he could tell you his orders." He stated and he isn't lying.

"Fine." I mumbled as he wrapped his hand around my lower half as we walked to the big black doors.

Just as we stepped in I heard a car pull up making me look back to see an g wagon in the color dark grey pull up.

His mother and our baby girl.

He left the door open for them and rushed upstairs for Amelia's suprise. I sat on the couch and took my pills dry before turning on the couch heater myself.

I turned on the tv just as Amelia rushed in and dropped a lot of shopping bags. I gasped, "mommy!" She yelled out and jumped on me making me suck in a breath and she gasped.

"Did I hurt the baby?"

"Baby?" Antonio's mother said making my eyes snap to hers. I gave a nervous chuckle hoping Antonio would come down.

"How far are you?" She asked just as Antonio came down with our son making his mother gasp in shock.

Amelia gasped and her eyes snapped to mines, "you've had him mommy? What's his name?" She asked happily.

"Yes baby I did and his name is Lucian. Lucian Rio Vincenzo." I softly said to Amelia and his mother.

"Son, you kept this a secret? Why?" She asked Antonio as he walked over to the couch and sat by my feet.

He shrugged, "I guess the predicament with me and pa you know- I don't know ma. I like to keep things lowkey." He spluttered as Amelia looked down at her brother.

His mother sighed, "I understand son but this is my second grandchild. This is important to me..." his mother softly said and I could here the emotions in her voice.

"Look we're deeply sorry. I don't want to say alot around Amelia but if your willing to I think we should talk. A one on one conversation." I asked and she nodded her head.

"Of course. Shoot me a text." She softly said and I nodded my head. "Ma, you can look at our son but you can not touch or kiss. He's only 3 weeks, we don't want him to get sick." Antonio said and his mother smiled.

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