Chap 1: Strangers

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I'm Abby Flenory, I'm seventeen years old and I have daddy issues but sometimes I'd like to think of it as a normal thing. It doesn't really bother me that much because we're doing really fine without him in our lives that is my mum and I. He left back in June when summer was just kicking in and it hurt alot. I got depressed and was stuck recovering on junk food which kind of increased my weight more and my rate of bullying.

I've been jogging with my friend in the mornings but he's been busy lately so I've given up on that. Noah kushner has been a very close friend of mine since we moved in twelve years ago. I can still remember the day we met. I was new to school and he was the only one who was nice to me and later on we found out we were neighbours. We'd walk to school everyday hand in hand and he would always keep me safe and away from all the bullies. But now he's so popular being the captain of Nashville high's football team and we barely see each other. He never has time for me anymore. He's too busy partying and hanging out with pretty girls. Pretty slim girls who aren't as fat as I am.

I've always had a crush on Noah but I could never tell him that. He'd just laugh at me. I mean, look at me I'm.. I'm fat and not his type. I could never be his type.

I sigh twirling round in front of the mirror in just my t-shirt and socks. I walk over to my window. My house is just next to his so our windows are opposite each other. He's lights are out so that means he's not in. Probably on another party or having sex with some blonde girl. I don't know why he likes blondes.

I twirl my hair with a finger. I have ginger coloured hair and honestly I don't think it's that attractive, guys don't really pay attention to girls with this type of hair. It's boring and mines frizzy and so hard to brush. It takes me hours before I can get it ready for school.

I walk back to my bed grabbing my phone from the bedside table. Maybe I should give Noah a text. I unlock my phone going to Noah and I's chat. It's been unattended by him not me. I've actually been the one texting and he's been the one not replying. I type a simple how are you doing but I have second thoughts about sending it. I sigh clearing the message and just dropping my phone back down. I don't think he'd reply, like the way he hasn't replied to any of my recent texts.

I lay down my head on my pillow pulling the sheets over my body. I don't turn my lights off and the reason may sound too childish but hey everyone's got their fears. I don't like the dark and it's scary. I get scared when it's dark and especially when I'm alone. So sleeping with the lights on isn't a problem for me but for most people it would be. Noah hates sleeping with his lights on and he notices when I'm asleep or not given the fact that my lights are always on.

I hope I can get to see him tomorrow. I miss him. I smile at the thought of his smile. We have alot of classes together but he's never around for most of them and sometimes I help him out with his homework. I don't see it as a bother though. He gets busy with practice and besides we're friends.

I close my eyes and allow my self to fall asleep.


"Abby, Abby get out of bed so you won't be late", my mum yells from downstairs, but little does she know that I'm already up fixing my hair. I want to be super straight today.

I put a few strands into the straightener, careful not to burn myself as I pull it out. Once I'm done and it seems okay enough. I pick my bag and head downstairs.

I skip down the stairs and it's like the worst idea ever because I end missing a step and I find myself falling at the last step. Ouch.

"Oh my God Abby are you okay?", My mum asks with concern laced in her tone. I nod as she helps me up.

I look down at my now bruised knee. It's red and it hurts. I'm almost crying as I take a seat for breakfast. The sight of the food chases away any form of sadness and I can feel my tears drying up in my eyes. I love food and it's bad that I love it the way I do but what can I do? I mean, I still have to eat.

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