Chap 44 : Ice cream Burglar

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It feels like summer all over again as we sit under the evening sun that was slowly going down. I dig my feet further into the sand, our shoes were discarded by the side with our socks inside them.

Just a few people were on the beach while some were packing the others were just getting settled. My eyes catch a man and his daughter playing with the water coming up the shore every now and then.

It starts coming up again and the girls too slow this time so it catches up with her. Her dad comes to her rescue though and she starts giggling with her dad smiling hard.

The corner of my lips tilt up but it falls back down when I remember how he left. People change, that's what my mum said and I never really knew why he left.

It made me sick to my stomach to think that he left cause he had another family somewhere.. another ginger haired girl or maybe boy or perhaps both.

I hate the feeling I get thinking about him. It always has my stomach in knots and it makes my insides churn.. I always feel lost.. like right now..

Noah shakes my arm again and I let out a breath I wasn't aware I was holding.

"Princess! Are you okay?", he asks as I try to calm my fast heart rate.

"What's wrong?", he softly asks pulling me closer to him. I place my head on his chest and he pats my hair down, kissing the top.

"People change", I slowly say and his hand on my hair stops moving for a while but then he continues.

"Yes princess", he says then adds, "People change all the time".

"Do you think the water's calling us?", he asks and my brows furrow. What are we?.. Moana?.

I lift my head from his chest to see his face lit up in amusement. "No", I answer so he frowns holding out a cute pout.

"Pweety please", he coos and I chuckle at his baby voice.

"Not working", I inform him and he huffs moving away. So dramatic.. between him and Asher I don't know who's more sassy.

"Well I'm done asking", he says then gets on his feet. Noah holds on to my arms then pulls me up.

I whine once I get on my feet, "Can't I just be lazy for now", I say and he snickers.

"You're always lazy", he says and I gasp feeling offended even if it's the truth.

Noah turns around then bends his knees so he becomes a bit shorter, "C'mon get in",

"What?", I ask.

"I'll carry you since you're lazy", he says peering over his shoulder to look at me.

"It's fine I'll walk", I say proceeding to walk away but he moves in front of me and due to the position he was in, he did a crab step.

"Stop thinking your so big.. your like a pebble to me", he says and I chew on my bottom lip to stop me from smiling.

"You know I'm not that light", I say.

"You know this position I'm in isn't really comfortable", he says back and I sigh looking around. The man and his daughter already left, maybe to go home to dinner..

"Princess?", Noah calls and I snap out of my thoughts.

"Oh um..", I trail wrapping my arms around his neck. Noah grabs my thighs then hoists me up as he straightens himself.

"Are you okay?", he asks and I nod. "Wanna know what else I can do?", he questions with a mischievous smile.


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