Eight- Titan Pierce

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"And then i pulled this heavy ass shelf off of him." She continues the heroic story and i find myself cheesing on how animated she looks while telling it. Even though I'm highly concerned that she ran into a burning building in the first place.

Her clothes look like shes been rolling in soot and her ponytail is tilting to the side with debris probably still embedded inside. I got most of it off her scalp and the outside of her ponytail but she has so much hair and its thick with texture so i don't want to mess it up. Her arms are completely covered from shoulder to palm in bandages and i laugh to myself because even with all this she still looks so beautiful.

"After he gets free i end up collapsing-"

"You what?" I interrupt her story and the smile slides straight off my face.

She holds out her pointer finger. "Let me finish."

I clamp my mouth shut reluctantly.

"I end up collapsing to the floor in a coughing fit because when i let go of the shelf a wave of smoke hit me in my face. So Hershel, the man i saved, gripped my arm and hauled me up and in that moment he reminded me so much like my grandfather talking about 'get up little girl' i would've laughed if i wasn't too busy coughing. I went in there to save him but he ended up saving me." She laughs a little at the end of her story but im not finding shit funny right now.

I sit up straight. "Record this isnt funny. You refused to go to the hospital until i came and put you in the ambulance myself. You said your injuries weren't serious but look at your arms. And now you're telling me if that man didn't pick you up you'd probably be dead."

Her smile disappears as she sees the look on my face.

She sighs. "Alright i see your point."

Before I can speak again the ambulance doors open and four people stand behind it. Jones the paramedic I already met, another paramedic this one a Indian male and then two doctors one a Hispanic female another an asian male.

"Please sit back on the gurney ma'am, we're going to take you to the burn unit." The doctor says as she steps aside and lets Jones climb in.

"My legs work just fine." Record says as she goes to get off the gurney.

"Im sorry ma'am its protocol." The doctor insists and Record reluctantly lays down.

Jones and the other paramedic help wheel the gurney off the ambulance and with a little thud all wheels hit the ground.

I follow after her with Kora close by my side.

"Sit up for me ma'am." The female doctor says before checking Records lungs with her stethoscope.

"Im sorry sir you can't bring a dog in here." The male doctor steps in front of me at the door while the paramedics and other doctor slip past me with Record.

I look down at him trying to think of something that will let him let us both go see Record. "Its a service dog." I lie.

He looks down at the dog."Wheres the harness?"

I roll my eyes starting to get irritated when i can no longer see Record in my line of sight. "The fire caused a commotion she slipped out of it trying to rescue her owner, my wife." I grit my teeth. "Which you are stopping me from seeing, so if you could be so kind and show me to where they took her." I see his Adams apple bob in his throat before saying "follow me sir."

He turns around and starts walking and i follow behind with Kora's leash in my hand. I get a few long looks from the nurses and ER patients and thats when I realize all over again that im shirtless and i feel my ears heat up. Seriously Titan being shirtless is so inappropriate, I can't believe i left the house without a shirt and Record saw me like that. I take off my glasses and scrub my hand over my face before putting them back on. This is so embarrassing.

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