Twenty-one- Record Lee

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I decided to use the bathroom while Titan tries to clean the blood off his face. When im done i take a seat on the bench near the bathrooms and wait for him.

The bathrooms were nicer than i thought, this whole place really. Ive always wanted to go but I've had no one to go with. None of my friends like scary things and i can tell Titan the same but he still agreed to go with me which warms my heart. That haunted house was actually kinda scary. We even got chased by a chainsaw.

But now that we've got past that this feels like some kind of Halloween carnival. I even spot people getting their face painted. No children obviously because you need to past the haunted house to gain access to all of this but this amazing. Adults just playing like kids, i see a bunch of games too like shooting the clown until the balloon pops which sounds fun considering i hate clowns.

Im excited to do all of this, especially the bumper cars.

I sigh, getting a little impatient. What is taking him so long? We have so much stuff to play with.

I get up and decide to check out the food stalls but i freeze when i spot Titan talking with this girl.

I decide to quietly walk close enough to ease drop on their conversation.

"So can i get your number?" The blonde says.

My eyebrows snap together. Does he look like hes into blondes?

"Again, i sai-"

I decide not to let him finish that sentence and i walk up to them, gripping Titans arm. "Sorry try your luck on someone else, this vanilla shake is taken."

She goes away pretty quickly after that.

Titan looks down at me, his lips turned upwards. "Vanilla shake?"

I shrug. "I thought it was funny." Corny funny but still. I couldn't think of anything else.

"It was."

I grin and drag his arm. "Cmon theres so many fun things to do."

He stops me. "Wait we should eat first. What are you feelin?"

I point to a truck. "Definitely tacos."

He nods and we walk up ordering our food. Im about to pull out my wallet but Titan holds my hand. "Don't you dare."

I laugh and let him play while i find a table nearby and take a seat.

"Record! What do you want to drink." He calls out and i turn my head to yell back. "Sprite!"

I pull out my phone while he waits for our food. I notice a text from my mom talking about how my little brother won some kind of science fair with a picture of him holding a gold metal. Aw he's so smart. I like the message and reply before texting my little brother congratulations and telling him to send a picture of what he made before pocketing my phone.

Titan takes a seat across from me with two containers putting one in front of me before reaching in his pocket and pulling out a can of sprite.

"Thank you." I tell him, his hair damp from washing off the dirt and blood making him look extra hot for some reason. That and the leather jacket.

"You're welcome." He flashes me a smile before we both dig in, not much conversation happens, i think all that scaring worked up our appetite.

"So what should we do next?" I ask while sipping my soda.

He finishes off his last taco."What do you want to do?"

"Hey i asked you. Im the one that picked this place so you can pick what we do next."

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