Twenty-six- Titan Pierce

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I have no clue why shes freaking out or where she's dragging me as we cross the street.

"You're lucky i know a place where we can get last minute costumes. She'll even do alterations." She huffs.

"Are you mad at me?" I tilt my head as the grip she has on my wrist only tightens.

"Yes! How could you not invite me to your own party." She yells at me in the middle of the street.

I drag her to the sidewalk before we both get run over. "Im sorry, i told you I forgot about it. And are you sure you're up for the party?" I worry that her injuries might be bothering her more than she lets on.

She makes an offended sound."Im not bed ridden and this isn't a fatal injury, of course i am."

She roughly tugs on my arm, dragging me into a shop I've never seen before.

"Claire!" She yells into the empty store causing me to flinch.

I look around the shop as she holds me by the wrist like a toddler. Theres a shit ton of costumes in here.

An older lady with wild hair comes out from a back room.

She looks at Record and grins before glancing at me, her smile growing impossibly wider as the side of her eyes creases."Hi Record, what can i do for you and your arm candy?"

Arm candy? I stiffen. Is she talking about me?

I notice a pirate hat thats in my reach and i put it on. "How about this?"

Record turns around and snatches it off my head with quickness like I'm not supposed to be touching it. "That man in the kitchen is gonna be a pirate."

Okay then.

She turns back to the lady and smiles. "Hey Claire, we need some last minute costumes. Emergency alterations if needed."

She gestures to the whole store. "Well start trying on some things, dressing rooms are through those doors."

Record lets go of me and points to a rack of costumes. "Start looking." She says as she find her own rack and starts grabbing costumes.

I sigh as i spot a pirate costume, i guess thats out. I pick out a few costumes but nothing really catches my eye until i spot a very well made deadpool outfit and i grin before turning around to tell Record but i don't see her.

I walk into the back rooms just in time to see Record coming out of the dressing room in a long white dress with a brown corset pushing up her boobs as a red cape flows around her.

"How does it look?"

I swallow hard trying not to stare at her boobs. "It looks nice."

"Just nice? I knew this was too basic."

"You look beautiful in everything, i don't know what you want me to say." I tell her honestly.

She shoots me a smile and walks closer. "Thanks. What did you pick out?" I let out a small breath, relieved shes not yelling at me anymore.

I show her what i have in my hands. "All of these are boring except deadpool and chucky." She pulls out a white tunic out of the pile and her eyes light up. "You'd definitely look hot as a greek god, your face is perfect for it. Here try this on." She grabs the glasses off my face.

"Really?" I ask. She thinks i look like a greek god? I smile like an idiot as she pushes me into the other dressing room.

It takes me a couple minutes to figure out how to put it on but once i finally do i notice my whole upper body is practically showing. I feel something hit my head before it drops near my feet. I bend down and pick it up, its some kind of gold piece.

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