Fifteen- Record Lee

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"Don't laugh."

"Im not."

"You are." I smile as I close my bedroom door behind me.

"My little brother got them for me." I tell him as we head down the stairs.

"You have a little brother?" His voice holds surprise from behind me as I reach the last step.

"Yea, he's sixteen. Charlie lives with my parents." I say as I plop down on the couch.

He sits next to me and turns toward me."Is he your only sibling?"

"I have an older sister, Kimia, shes four years older."

"Do any of them live close? I noticed you didn't have anyone else to watch you, i feel like you would've chosen them over me to take care of you."

I blow out a breath and laugh a little. "My parents live about three hours away, i guess they could've came down but i didn't want them too. Im independent and you were pretty insistent so," I shrug and smile. "and my sister would have to get on a plane but shes some important lawyer, and i don't want to rip her away from work, if i told her she would've raced down here. Im not that hurt so i don't want to pull them away from their lives."

He picks up my arm and holds it in front of me. "You look pretty hurt to me. You could've died."

I roll my eyes. "If it was on my deathbed I would've called them."

"You've taken these burns really well you know. You're not distraught like most people would be."

"Do i look like someone who gets distraught?"

"Well, i guess not."

I reach over and grab the remote. "Let's finish the show, i would say it's just getting good but every episode is good."

He silently nods and manspreads before leaning back on the couch getting comfortable. I do the same and choose to lay down, throwing my legs over his lap.

He looks at me and i just smile at him before unpausing the show. I feel like he'll just push them off if he's really uncomfortable, that or he'll freeze up but i didn't feel him tensing.

I feel one of his hands go under my flared pants and wrap around my ankle, his big hand engulf it, its so warm. Then we sit there and silently watch tv for who knows how long before i eventually doze off.


I wake up in the dark on my side facing the couch, only the tv slightly lighting up the room behind me. I quietly groan, my neck hurting from the angle I'm resting against the arm rest. I move my leg up to get into a more comfortable position but i hit something. I rub my eyes and sit up on an elbow. I look down and see Titan sleeping peacefully with his head under my boobs with an arm thrown over my thigh. His glasses still on. I gently remove them before twisting my neck to the clock near my tv, it reads 2am, way too early for me to be awake. I put his glasses on the table before turning back around and scooting down a bit so i can lay flat, then i fall back asleep.


The next time i wake up the suns out and im facing the tv. I yawn and read the clock, it's almost 8. I should get ready my hair appointments at 10 but i think I'll bother her earlier. I try to get up but i cant. I look down and see one of Titans hands are flat against my stomach, his legs all tangled up in mine although they outstretch mine. His other arm is wrapped around my chest, smushing my boobs against his forearms. Not he got me locked up.

I feel his chest against my back and i thank god for the wideness of this couch otherwise i would've fell off. I try to get up again but i feel Titans arm tense around my stomach keeping me there. "Titan are you awake?" I whisper but i don't get a response. I turn my neck and find Titan still sleeping like a baby with severe bed head, it's cute. I try to wiggle myself out of his arm but his grip is way too tight.

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