Thirty-two- Titan Pierce

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I wake up on the couch alone with Teen Titans still playing in the background. I stretch before i sit up and rub my eyes before i grab my glasses off the table and squint to read the clock. 6:17.

I hear something slam on the counter in the kitchen and i look to find Record sitting on one of the stools, still just in her hoodie and a thong. I get up a little confused because i don't see her eating anything.

Once i get closer i notice a bottle of tequila and an empty shot glass on the counter as she leans her head on her hand with her eyes closed.

She has a cute little pout on her lips, she looks peaceful. Did she fall asleep?

I gently grab her arm and it's like she flinches in slow motion.

She looks at me, her eyes a little glassy. "Titan? I thought you were sleeping." Her words are slow and I realize just how drunk she is.

I look at her, my smile gentle and a little cautious. I know shes seen me drunk but I've never seen her like this. Its endearing and a little cute. "I was. How long have you been drinking?"

She shrugs pouring herself another glass and I don't know if i should stop her or not. "I don't know. I was bored but didn't want to wake you."

I lean over on the counter."Did you eat anything?"

She shakes her head, some of her braids falling in front of her face. "Im not hungry."

Well alright. I gently tuck the braids behind her ear as i look at her. She has this carefree look on her face and its pretty, she says always pretty. "Im gonna make you something to eat anyway. Do you have anything in mind?"

She looks off to the side as she thinks for a second before looking back at me with a big childish grin."Ice cream."

I shake my head lightly laughing as i put my hands on the counter. "Thats not real food."

"Just a little bit, please?" She makes this adorable face, her lips frowning a little.

One look at her and i immediately give in."Just a little bit while I make you some real food."

Her grin is big as she claps and i can't help but smile with her.

I turn around and open the freezer, looking at all the different kinds of ice cream I bought because i didn't know what she liked. "What kind do you want?"

"Vanilla." She sings and move the other flavors around to grab it. "It's the hottest flavor." I feel her arms wrap around my torso and i feel my face heat up at her suggestive voice, her hands sliding under my shirt.

I turn around in her arms. I clear my throat and try to keep my tone even."Record go sit down if you want this ice cream."

She grins at me with a twinkle in her eye thats hard to look away from."Oh i definitely want this vanilla ice cream." She gets on her toes and begins planting kisses under my jaw, sending tingles all over my skin.

"Im not talking about me!" I embarrassingly screech as i set the ice cream down before pulling her arms off of me.

She pouts at me as i hold her wrists and i quickly look away. "Don't look at me like that." She should already know how hard it is for me to resist her and she's using it to her advantage.

"You won't even let me kiss you?" Her face is sad and i groan at her sad face. Even when she's unhappy she looks beautiful. I shouldn't have looked at her. "Don't be upset."

"You're the one making me sad." I see her bottom lip start to tremble.

Im not trying to. She's gonna kill me with that face, shes making me feel like i committed the worst crime."Im sorry. You're not about to cry are you? Please don't cry." I panic, I've never seen her cry and i really don't want to.

I let go of her hands to try and grab her face but she takes this opportunity to jump on me, locking her legs around my waist before resting her head on my shoulder. I freeze, hyper aware she has no pants on as my hands begin to sweat. Did she just play me?

I cautiously wrap my arms around her. "Are you alright?"

I feel her head leave my shoulder before she dives for my mouth. She pulls me in with her soft lips and it's hard for me to resist them. She melts into me as I taste the alcohol on her breath and i softly kiss her back. I feel her hand grab the nape of my neck as her nose brushes again mine, i try to pull back while i still have the will to. She captures my bottom lip between her teeth and i groan a little bit. "Don't do that." I slowly breathe out.

I take a second to gather myself. "You got your kiss now can you go sit down and eat some ice cream?" I whisper looking at her face.

"Only if you give me another kiss." She puckers her lips and I can't help but smile at her, she never acts like this its cute how clingy she is. Even if it's torturous.

I give her a long peck on the lips and she grabs the back of my head so i can't let go. "Cmon Record." I mumble against her lips. She's making it so difficult to resist her.

Thankfully she stops kissing me and lands back on her feet. Unfortunately, she still has a pout on her lips as she looks at me. And i feel ten times worse. I just feel like i would be taking advantage of her in this state if I kept kissing her. "Please stop looking at me like that I can't take it."

Her sad eyes turn even sadder if you can believe it. "Like what."

I look to the ceiling for a second trying to think of the best scenario."Like i just killed your dog."

She gasps holding her hand to her chest."You killed Kora?!"

"Of course not!" I immediately yell at the accusation before clearing my throat. I shouldn't react like that, it's not reassuring.

She laughs at me and waves her hand in front of her face."Im kidding I'm not a delirious drunk. I just wanted to scare you."

I blow out a breath and run a hand through my hair. She definitely got me.

She grabs my hand but i barely pay attention to it. Worried that she still hasn't eaten anything. "Can you please eat-" i begin to say but i stop in my tracks as she guides my hand up her shirt. I feel her guide my hand up her warm stomach and i freeze, standing there like an idiot just watching her do it. She doesn't stop until I'm cupping her boob and i swallow hard. I look at my arm thats hidden under her red hoodie before my gaze drops lower to the front of her underwear and i have the sudden urge to swallow my saliva as i feel my dick twitch in my pants.

This whole time Ive been trying not to stare at her bare legs but now thats all i can look at as my hand is hyper aware of where it's placed.

I can visibly see the lust swirling in her beautiful eyes and it's making this really hard. I really just wish she would eat the ice cream, she could eat the whole thing for all i care at this point.

Words- 1313

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