Forty- Titan Pierce

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I hold my chest, trying to will my heart to stop beating so fast as i fly down the stairs. I actually told her i loved her. I didn't want to tell her this soon but it sort of just slipped out when i saw how upset she was about something i don't quite understand.

I walk over to the pot on the stove and stir it. It still needs more time. I continue watching it as i lean against the counter, thinking about how Record looked. Laying there looking so miserable in just a towel that barely covered her. She accidentally flashed me a couple of times but she was so upset i couldn't even take any pleasure in it.

But she was upset enough so i know it mattered. I've never seen her like this before. It made my stomach clench to see her sad like that.

And my heart fucking dropped when i found her laying on the bathroom floor like that, she scared the shit out of me. Thankfully i don't think she suffered anymore damage to her body. But who knows for sure, that woman has a surprisingly high pain tolerance. She hasn't complained once about any of her injuries, if anything she tells me to stop worrying  about them. And she's never cried about them, not even when she knew her bone was sticking out, well at least not to my knowledge. Only time I've seen her cry is when she thought i was dead. I still feel bad about that, her eyes getting that devastated over me, i don't even wanna think about it.

Im upset she doesn't want me to help her though. I knew she was independent but i didn't know how guilty she felt with me being around to help her. I didn't want her to think she was a nuisance and i didn't know how to express that to her without showing her what she means to me. I didn't mean to tell her i loved her, i just made the realization not too long ago myself but my stupid mouth wouldn't stay shut.

But then i smile when i think about it. She kissed me and her mood brightened so i guess she liked what i had to say.

Then i frown a little bit, she never said she loved me back though. But she said i was perfect. I grin, that's still something, right?

God I'm all over the place.

I'll take what i can get at this point.

I shouldn't be picky or upset because she didn't say it back. I didn't really expect her to. Was i hoping for it? Yea. But words shouldn't matter this much to me, not when she kissed me like that or laughed at me until i finally left the room. She didn't reject my confession, she just didn't verbally respond. Why am i getting in my head so much over this? They're just words. And we haven't even been together long enough for me to be justified to say it. So I shouldn't care so much about three words.

Yet i do. I groan hanging my head, I need to stop thinking about this. Her physical reaction has much more meaning than words. And it was a pretty positive response. Im happy about that at least. She could've reacted totally differently, she could've told me to get out or worse, rejected me.

So I'm relieved about that.

"Titan! Can you help me down the stairs!" I jump at Records voice as she pulls me away from my obsessive thinking.

I walk up the stairs and i find her on top of it, sitting on the first step and my eyes widen. "What are you doing over here? You should've called me from the bed to help you." I carefully get her on her feet without touching her arms and i watch her nightgown fall down to her thigh. I try not to think about how good she looks in what i picked out for her as i focus on the task at hand.

She shrugs as she struggles to balance on one foot. "I wanted to try to at least make it this far on my own."

I sigh, i see she's sticking with her habits. They're gonna be hard to break so i can't expect her to always lean on me, even if i want her to.

I swipe her off her feet and carry her the rest of the way down before gently placing her on down on the couch.

"The food is not done yet so I'll wrap your arms back up." I tell her as i sit down beside her and grab the bag of gauze from under the coffee table.

"Whats for dinner?" I watch her braids fall down her chest as she shifts closer to me. I try not to focus on the way i can see the outline of her boobs as i begin putting some ointment along her arm.

"It's minestrone soup."

I watch her crinkle her nose in the most adorable way. "Im home after three days in the hospital and you make soup." She complains but she still smiles at me.

I laugh thinking about how i would kill for this meal in jail. But having a piece of her leg bone sticking out with sucky hospital food for company, i can understand her disappointment. She probably wanted something sweet or spicy but she didn't ask me to make her anything in particular. "It's good for you."

She playfully rolls her eyes at my response. "Alright I'll trust you."

I nod."You should. It's still good I promise." I finish wrapping one of her arms and move onto the other one. Her burns are healing up nicely, her tattoos are surprisingly intact, most of them are black but surrounding them are colorful thin line work that reminds me of magic swirls and sparkles. It's really some beautiful artwork. Im glad they didn't get ruined by her wounds.

She surprises me by bringing her hand up to rub my jaw. "Are you okay?"

I pause for a second at her warm fingertips gliding against my skin."Yea why?"

She frowns at me and even her upset face is cute."Because your smile doesn't reach your eyes."

I freeze for a second. I definitely can't tell her its over three words. I can't be greedy.

I shrug, finishing up her other arm making sure it's not too tight. "Im just tired. Haven't slept that good in the past three days. Did you take your pain medication? Did the doctor prescribe anything for your leg?" I try to switch the subject.

She shakes her head. "Just Advil but the pain meds for my arms are enough."

"Are you sure?"

"Yea, can you get them for me? They're on my bathroom counter."

"Yea." I walk up the stairs and swipe the pill bottle from off her counter before jogging back down stairs.

I walk to the fridge and get her a water bottle before heading back to the couch. I sit beside her and shake a pill in her hand before handing her the water. "Do two babe."

My heart slightly speeds up at the nickname."You sure?"

She nods still holding her palm out. "Yes I have two different injuries now."

I don't think thats how it works. I shake another one into her palm. Im gonna have to keep a close eye on her.

She throws them in her mouth and downs it with a big gulp of water. I watch a little drop down her chin and i swallow hard.

I try to think of something more PG to distract myself.

I clear my throat. "You should call your parents now and let them know what happened."

She throws her head back on the couch sinking into it. "I really don't freakin want to. They'll probably want to come first thing in the morning."

"You're there daughter, I would want to know if my child was hurt too."

She groans closing her eyes. "I know you're right but I don't want to." She sits back up before coming closer to wrap her arm around mine, slightly pouting at me. "You know that means we won't be alone anymore." Her voice is suggestive and it makes whatever words i had get stuck in my throat.

I know shes just trying to get me to agree with her, and it's working. I feel my eyelids grow heavy as she comes closer, sliding her palm under my shirt and over my stomach causing my muscles to tighten.

She gets closer and i freeze, still after all this time she makes my heart stop whenever she comes near."Should i still call them?" Her voice is low near my ear as i feel her breath on my neck.

I don't answer her right away as i feel her plant slow kisses down my neck and i melt into the couch.

"No.." i eventually breathe out, my eyes closing.

Words- 1516

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