Twenty-five- Record Lee

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I finally finish my consultation and i can feel Titans eyes burning a hole through my head. I chuckle to myself, what's his problem?

I get up from my chair and walk my client out after i schedule his appointment and Titan immediately hops out of his chair behind me.

"You're really impatient." I say turning around, he runs his hand through his hair and i watch him do it. It's a crime how hot this man is. How is he not snatched up already? I shrug my shoulders, well he is now.

"Im sorry, are you done now? Can we go?" He takes his hands out of his jacket pockets and slips his hand in mine.

I playfully roll my eyes and smile, gripping his hand. "Yes."

His cafe isn't far from here, and its nice outside so we decide to walk there.

The breeze feels great against my skin as we walk down the street hand in hand and i glance at the trees rustling, getting distracted as i watch the wind carry the leaves. Man it really is a beautiful day out. I feel Titan tug my sleeves down and i laugh at him. "You worry too much."

He shrugs. "I can't help it, you don't worry enough. What if you get sick on top of all this." He says as he pulls the door open for me.

I ignore him, noticing how busy it is, almost every table is taken and theres a small line at the cash register. I see Astrid at the front taking orders and im about to stand in line but Titan stops me.

"Just tell me what you want ill get it for you." He tells me.

I grin. "Alright," i look at the menu and the display case. "Can you get me a vanilla crepe cake and a hot chocolate."

"You don't want any real food?" He asks.

"Maybe later." I tell him.

"Okay find an empty table I'll be right back." He squeezes my hand before going to the back.

Instead of going to a table I decide to go to the right side of the shop and through the connecting door to the book store. Theres a lot less people in here and theres a couple small circle tables and comfortable seating placed throughout the room. I take a deep breath through my nose, loving the way the books smell as i look around.

I spot a young man at the cash register and decide to bother him. He doesn't notice me as i walk up to him.

"Hello." I say and he jumps at the sound of my voice before looking up at me.

"Hello?" He nervously clears his throat and it reminds me of Titan.

I look down at his name tag, Jack. His hair is light brown and he's a little taller than me.

"Do you know Titan?" I ask.

"Of course i do he's the boss." He straightens looking around, immediately on alert. "Is he here?"

Is Titan scary or something? I laugh at the thought.

I clear my throat. "Yes, he just hired me and pointed me towards you. He told me you could teach me how to work the register." I lie a little too smoothly. Im bored I need something to do. So why not fuck with the workers? Whats the harm?

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