Twenty-two- Titan Pierce

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We finally get on the hayride and we're the last ones on it, we end up sitting on the end of the truck bed on a haystack with me being on the very end and Record sitting to my right.

She looks so cute with her face painted as a tiger, I should've snapped more pictures of her.

This ride should be good, Record told me the scenery would be nice.

A couple seconds later the hayride starts and we move a lot slower than i imagined. It's mostly dark but i see lamp posts spread out ahead and i take my time looking around. The trees are beautiful but then  i pause, noticing glowing eyes in the trees and my spine goes rigid. I pat Records thigh and gesture for her to look up.

She grins and I quickly realize she lied about this being a nice hayride. I should've never suggested it.

I hear one of the ladies up front scream and it makes me jump as well as a few others. Oh god i don't even wanna know what she saw so i turn my head back to the tailgate, and thats when i notice a man walking on all fours with his hair covering his face, crawling really close to where im sitting. I scoot closer to Record when i see him slowly grip the edge of the truck.

She leans forward to take a peak and gasps causing others to look. "Oh my god he's not gonna climb on is he?" She whispers gripping my arm.

But he does. Slowly crawling over the small wall all dirty and un-human like as he stays on all fours. Long hair still covering his face as he crawls way to close to my feet.

Everybody is dead silent as he moves slowly towards the front and stays there.

Since he isn't near me i try to focus on something else and thats when i see a figure just standing there,  i can just barely see the outline of his body, hes so far away, thankfully. I pull Records attention to get her to look again.

It's creepy, waiting to see if he's gonna do something is almost more intense than when they do something.

Thats when he starts running full speed right towards us, i hate the feeling of being chased. Some other people notice the guy running and i hear one very loud gasp up front.

At the very last second the guy swerves right into the trees.

Good we didn't need another actor on this ride.

The ride continues for about fifteen more minutes with more scary shit jumping out at us and at one point a couple of very realistic decapitated heads fall from above, one landing right on Records lap which makes her scream and makes me actually laugh.

Once the ride is finally over and we arrive back at the carnival i get down and grab Records hand to help her.

I keep holding it as i look around. "What should we do next?"

"We should play the games. I wanna win some things." She points somewhere with her other hand.

"Let's start with shooting the clowns." She says and we walk over to the stall.

When the game starts im surprised on how good we are and Record takes the lead winning and she picks one of the bigger prizes, a tiger ironically enough.

We end up finding out how scary good we are at winning these games and we both end up with an armful of stuff animals after we play all the stalls. Record even won a skeleton plushy and gave it to me.

I look around to see what else we can do, absolutely not going in that maze, ive been scared enough tonight.

I look at Record who looks so cute surrounded by all the stuff animals and with her face painted. "Do you wanna go on the bumper cars again?"

She grins. "Hell yes."

So we put all of our stuffed animals on this empty bench where we can see while we go on the bumper cars again and we play for I don't know how long. I bump her a few times but she mostly just bumps into me and laughs while she does so which is cute so i just let her.

When we finally get off and walk towards the bench Record yawns and that causes me to yawn too. I pull out my phone to see it's almost 12. "Hey, are you ready to go home?" Its a long drive back.

She nods as she picks up her stuffed animals but i grab most of them along with my own and we start walking towards an exit off the side, eventually making it back to the car.

I unlock it and we throw our stuffed animals in the back before taking our seats up front.

"That was actually fun." I say as i turn on the car.

"You doubted me?" Her tiger whiskers moving up as she smiles at me.

"No, no-" i start to say shake my head.

"Relax, i know you were hesitant to come with me but I'm grateful you did. I've always wanted to come here." She says while putting on her seatbelt.

I furrow my eyebrows."Why didn't you?" I ask as i back out of the parking space and begin driving.

"Because no one else wanted to go with me, they were too scared i guess." She shrugs.

Now i feel bad that i was hesitant, i mean i would've always ended up saying yes, but i do admit a haunted house wouldn't be my first choice, but i am really glad i came.

I turn towards her face for a second, smiling at the fact that she looks really good even as a tiger. "Well I'm glad you got to go and it was with me."

She grins. "Me too." She fidgets with the radio until instrumental music starts playing and not too long after that I notice she falls asleep and I have to finish the rest of the drive in lonely silence.


I pull in front of Records house and turn off the car.

I quietly admire Records sleeping face, face paint and all before i have to reluctantly wake her up.

I gently pick up Records hand and rub it. "Record, wake up we're here." I whisper.

She doesn't start to stir awake until the third time i call out to her.

She rubs her eye which messes up the paint a little bit and i smile.

She looks around but jumps when she looks at me, then she laughs. "Shit, sorry. I forgot your face was painted."

I laugh with her as i get out of the car and open the door for her. "You go inside I'll grab all the stuffed animals."

She nods as she gets out. "Okay thanks."


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