Nineteen- Record Lee

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"So are you feeling better?" I ask while eating a significantly better version of the breakfast i made earlier.

He clears his throat beside me. "Yeah thanks." The touchy talkative man from last night nowhere to be found. Eh that's alright, I'll get him back.

I tilt my head at him curiously. Both sides of him equally cute but I wonder how i can get that side out of him without getting him drunk. His face was flushed the whole time so that much hasn't changed.

I scoot my stool closer to him. "So are we still on for the haunted house tonight?"

He swallows his next bite before turning and looking at my clothed arms. "Are you sure your arms don't hurt? They're not agitated at all?"

Maybe a little bit but not enough to force me to stay home. "No, i have the pain meds for any discomfort. Now i was thinking we leave at six, i already bought the tickets while you were sleeping, we'll arrive around 7. Its gonna be fun."

He nods but i can tell its reluctant."Okay sounds good." Then he realizes. "Hey! You should've let me buy the tickets, I'm the one who suggested we go out."

Yea and you seem visibly displeased at my choice but im still dragging you along because i think its fun. I feel a little bad but not enough to stop him from going. Reparations. "Don't worry about it you can get the next one."

I finish off my plate quickly. "Now its almost three so im going to start getting ready." I throw my dishes in the sink and down my drink.

"Getting ready? Now?"

I nod. "Yeah, i definitely cut some time by getting my hair braided but i still have to take a shower and do everything else."

"Okay. Let me know when you get out of the shower so i can change your bandages."

"Will do." I put my glass in the sink and race up through stairs. "Oh and can you walk Kora for me! Thanks!" I yell from the top of the steps, not waiting for a response because i know he's too sweet to decline and yes im taking advantage of it.


I climb out of the shower and wrap a towel around myself before taking off my shower cap. I check the weather and take into account the drop in temperature after the sum goes down as I walk across my room towards my closest trying to decide what to wear.

I pick out of dark blue skinny jeans from one of the drawers before going through all my long sleeves. It's then I realize what he said earlier about changing my bandages and putting on a long sleeve would make it hard to do that.

I put the jeans down and slip on my dinosaur slippers before heading down the stairs.

I find Kora lying on her dog bed in the corner of the living room but no Titan.

I grab the bag of medical supplies from the small table before heading back upstairs. I see the bathroom door is open, the mirror still foggy from shower steam so i go to knock on Titans door.

"One sec!" I hear him say through the door so I patiently wait about thirty seconds before he opens the door and oh what a sight it is.

He's shirtless with jeans clinging to his waist as he pats his damp hair with a towel, his glasses off. Yess lord.

I hold up the bag without making eye contact, instead raking my eyes over his body. Im glad to see him shirtless again. I'll never get tired of those blinding abs.

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