Fourteen- Titan Pierce

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I shouldn't have jumped.

Why did i jump?

I don't know i was nervous. I put my head in my hands, cursing myself for a second before I get up, climbing the stairs and jogging down the hall before i knock on her door.

I wait a couple seconds but she doesn't answer. I put my ear against her door and faintly hear the shower running, i was too late. I place my forehead on the door and sigh. Fuck.

I should've just explained how i felt after the kiss instead of choking up. I mean she basically already knew I liked her and that kissed definitely proved it.

Why do i always feel so nervous around her?

I remove my head from the door and look at it for a long time. Waiting for her to magically open it so i can just see her face again, even if she looks mad at me.

Why did i do this to myself?

I reluctantly go back down the stairs and decide to do the dishes while I think of what to say.

Kora barks at my feet as i finish the dishes and i dry my hands as she pulls at my pant leg.

"Whats wrong girl?" I follow her to the front door where she takes a seat under her leash hanging on the wall.

She's really smart. I take her leash off the wall and attach it to her collar before throwing on my shoes and walking out the door. I want to lock it but i don't have the keys and i don't feel like Record would let me back in if i rang the doorbell. So i don't go too far from her place as i begin to walk Kora.

I take out my phone to check the time, its almost six and i notice I have a miss call from my mom.

I call her back and she picks up on the second ring. "Hey sweetie, how are you doing. I haven't called in a while, just checking in. The kids want to know if you're still coming down this weekend?"

I look up to the sky. "Hey ma I'm doing good. And i totally forgot about that, I don't think i can make it."

"What, why? Is something wrong at your shop?" Her voice holds immediate concern.

I shake my head but realize she can't see me. "No everything is fine with the place don't worry, I'm helping someone out." I decide to choose my words carefully.

"Why can't you do it some other time?" She presses unusually.

My eyebrows snap together and i hesitate to answer. "Because."

"Because what? Why are you hesitating Titan." Her voice takes on a more serious tone making me less reluctant to hold information.

I straighten my spine. "I met someone recently and I'm just helping them out."

"Met someone?" She repeats before i hear something screech, my best guess is a chair. "A girl? Is it a girl?" She quickly yells and i remove the phone from my ear and roll my eyes, i can still hear her talking although I can't make out what she's saying.

I sigh before putting the phone back to my ear. "Titan answer my questions."

I grit my teeth. "Yes mom its a girl."

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