Nine- Record Lee

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Me and Titan get out of the uber and he starts guiding me to his car down the street while holding Kora's leash.

While we're walking i pull out my phone and cancel all my future tattoo appointments for the next two weeks and text Red and Liz to let them know. God it hurts to even type. This fucking sucks.

I pocket my phone and yawn into my hand, today's events finally catching up to me. I feel my joints start to ache and my burns finally start to burn. The adrenaline wore off on the way to the hospital so now i just feel pain and exhaustion. The doctor prescribed me some medication when i turned in the discharge forms but i can't go and get it until tomorrow so I'm in for a rough night.

I just wanna get home and wash all this shit off and pass out for the next three business days.

I watch Titans back as he walks two feet in front of me. Im so tempted to reach out and touch it but i don't have enough energy to lift my arm at this point.

Also, Titans been awfully quiet since we got in the Uber. I wonder whats going on in that pretty little head of his.

I watch Titan pull keys out of his pocket before clicking a button and a car unlocks across the street my eyes follow the action.

Holy shit he has a Black Camaro. I would probably have some sort of reaction if i wasn't so tired.

He looks both ways before crossing the street, throwing a quick glance over his shoulder to make sure I'm close behind, i was.

"Nice car." I say when i get close enough to touch it. He stops walking and turns around giving me a small smile. "Thanks." He says before opening the passenger door for me and i smile in gratitude before hopping in. He softly shuts the door before opening the back door and i hear Kora hop inside.

Titan shuts the door and makes his way over to the drivers side. "Do you mind if i stop by my place to get some clothes?"

"No not at all." I say softly as i lean back in the seat and rest my eyes.

"Wait before you go to sleep give me your address." I open my eyes and softly chuckle. "Im not gonna fall asleep." I say but i give him my address anyway.

I close my eyes again and the next thing i know I'm being gently awoken by Titans hand on my cheek and him whispering my name.

I sit up and he removes his hand while i look around disoriented and confused.

Then I realize we're parked in front of my house.

So i did end up falling asleep. Cute.

"We're here, c'mon." He softly says and gets out, running out to my side and opening my door before i even thought about moving. He holds out his hand bc for me and i take it, slowly getting out.

He closes the door behind me and i start walking to the door to unlock it. Once i do i turn around to see Titan holding Kora's leash in one hand, the hospital bag in the other and a duffle flung over his shoulder. I also notice that hes wearing a dark blue shirt.

Booooo. I didn't realize i was gonna get disappointed after my nap like this.

I gesture for him to follow me into the house and when we're both inside i lock the door behind him.

I kickoff my shoes and Titan does the same. I throw my keys on the island,"You can let Kora off her leash. Im gonna go take a shower but first let me show you to the guest bedroom." And without looking back i go down the hallway and up the stairs to the second floor. I go to the door on the left and open it. "Heres your room. Mine's straight down the hall. The guest bathroom is right there." I gesture with my head to the door right across this one.

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