Chapter 12: Code Blue

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"YOU ARE WHAT NOW!?" Papyrus asked as he dropped the puzzle he was trying to figure out on the cold ground. Sans lazily lounging behind you as you sat down on the ice doing your human things such as tuning your radio, your back resting against his Orcan part. "Yep, seems like I'm immune to getting lured in by Siren songs" You absentmindedly affirmed again, your radio was acting up, maybe the cold temperatures had finally gotten to it.

"OKAY… BUT HOW DO YOU KNOW THAT…?" Papyrus glared at his brother, making sure you didn't see but you were occupied with that device in your hand, was it a puzzle like the thing you had given him? His brother didn't try to do anything to you, did he? Papyrus is certain he wouldn't with how Sans is always gazing at you whenever you're not looking but his brother was very uh… playful at times. His brother just gave him a "I didn't do anything inappropriate" kind of look… he better have not.

"Eh another Siren tried to… you know but it didn't work and the short story is I'm immune because of sounds in my ear that aren't really there" That is how well you could have explained without making it too complicated for them to understand. "YOU HALLUCINATE SOUNDS!?" You mentally sighed but you nodded, it's just easier to accept that answer. "It's not any kind of sound though, it's more like ringing or whooshing noises? It messes with the Siren songs so it doesn't affect me much" You shrugged and finally you think you have fixed the radio, now you just had to tune into the usual channels. 

"...WOWIE HOW… INTERESTING, PRAY TELL WHEN DID THE HALLUCINATIONS START?" Papyrus yet again glared at his brother, he had his suspicions on how it started. Though if it made you immune to luring songs then it did have a positive outcome… somewhat. "That's a… rocky story" You ended it there as you fiddled with the knobs on the device, you wouldn't want his brother to feel any more guilt over it it seems. So Papyrus was right, it had been the rock that had hit you that caused that noise in your ears… gosh that sounded terrible… Sans better make it up to you by being the best mate he could be for you. While Papyrus had seen how his brother continued to stare at you, he had also seen how you accepted his brother's unusual affection with no hesitation or struggle… eh, minimal struggle. which meant you surely had a crush on his brother too!

"Heeey watcha fiddlin' with there? You've been wholly focused on it" Sans spoke up from behind you which had surprised you quite a bit as your body flinched. Sans chuckled at your reaction as his tail curled more against you. "It's a thing I can use to communicate with someone back at the den" A radio was really important in case something happened and you needed help or if the weat-  before you could finish that thought, your radio came alive in full force… seems like you hit the right frequency for the channel.

"Y/N? Y/N? Are you there? Report immediately" The Radio urged you, it sounded very important that you answered. You told Papyrus and Sans to stay silent and they understood, you pressed down the button and spoke. "Yeah it's me, sorry I had some radio troubles, what's seems to be the urgency?" Your responses were always a bit too casual but you couldn't help it, being all formal felt odd. "Oh thanks the stars you responded, A code blue, huge blizzard is headed your way in about 30 minutes… We tried getting in contact with you an hour ago" Oh fuck, a storm in 30 minutes!? You weren't gonna be able to reach the base in time! You quickly stood up in a panic which alerted both Papyrus and Sans that something was very wrong. "I won't be able to reach back in time…" You responded to the radio, your brain wracking itself of what to do. You could try to speedrun back to base but you highly doubt it'll work or you could find an icy cave to take refuge but there's no guarantee there even was one close by. Or one who wasn't occupied by predators happy for an easy meal.

"There is a camp with natives around near the icy ocean… think you can make it there?" You had seen those camps but you never approached as you got told they do not like outsiders too much… This was a dire situation and it was your only option. You looked towards the direction of where the campsite was and… to your fucking luck, the ice had seperated here and there… it was doable to get there but in less than 30 minutes? You weren't sure. Maybe if you didn't take any shortcuts and maneuvered over all of the broken ice… highly risky. "Not sure but I'll try" You simply responded and hooked the radio on your tool belt.

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