𝗰𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝗼𝗻𝗲

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"Lëy'la" Jake calls out to her, as she is sat outside the marui, as he was inside.

"Yes father?" Lëy'la turns her head to look back at him.

"A moment, please?" Jake calls out.

Lëy'la sighs.

"What did you do now?" Neteyam laughs, as he's sat next to her.

"I did nothing at all" Lëy'la rolls her eyes and stand up, before making her way back inside.

She walks in, looking towards Jake, who looks clearly alert, as his ears were pointed up and his tail moving around.

"I didn't do anything father" Lëy'la says.

"I never said you did..?" Jake looks at her puzzled.

"Well it is just, you always call me that way when I've supposedly done something wrong" Lëy'la says.

"The chief. He's invited us over for dinner" Jake says.

"Okay..?" Lëy'la was confused about why he was telling her.

"They want you there too" Jake says.

"What?" Lëy'la looked at him, horrified.

"Yes. Me, you and your mother. They want us over for dinner. Today" Jake says.

"You cannot be serious right now" Lëy'la says.

"Lëy'la. It is just a dinner for one night" Neytiri says.

"I hate them. I hate their family. Tsireya is the only family member that i can get along with" Lëy'la says.

"What's wrong with Aonung?" Jake asks.

"Um, are you forgetting how he treated Lo'ak and Kiri?" Lëy'la asks.

"But with you. He has been nice to you.. has he not?" Jake asks.

"It doesn't matter how he is with me. But his attitude in general, is not attractive to me. At all. And I will never get along with him" Lëy'la says.

"If I'm honest, I think you guys would look good together" Neteyam laughs as he walks in.

Lëy'la turns to look at him, letting out a frustrated sigh, "do not go there Neteyam."

"I'm just saying. It's like you are both flirting with the way you argue" Neteyam says.

"Tey. Don't tease your sister" Neytiri says.

Lëy'la slaps the back of Neteyam's head, "say that again and I'll beat you up."

"Lëy'la" Jake says to her in a stern voice.

She grunts out of frustration, "I hate this so much!"

"And I love you, daughter" Jake smiles at her, resting the palm of his hand on top of her head.

"I can't believe it's just going to be us. What about Lo'ak? He likes Tsireya. We should take him too" Lëy'la says.

"Actually, Tsireya is coming over here. To have dinner, with us" Neteyam says.

"What?" Lëy'las' voice increases as she looks at Neteyam.

She becomes more alert, causing her tail to flicker around, as she lets out a tiny hiss.

"Lëy'la?.." Jake realises she's angry.

"So now I have to be alone! With Aonung!" Lëy'la shouts, "I might aswell just drown myself in the sea at this point."

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