𝗰𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝗳𝗼𝗿𝘁𝘆

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Rotxo let out a yawn as he stretched his arms, waking up to yet, another stressful morning.

He rubs his eyes open before sitting up, opening his eyes.

Rotxo looks around as he realises Lëy'la was nowhere to be found.

He looked around for a while, but could not find her.

Rotxo decided to wash up, getting himself clean and once he walked back into the marui, Lëy'la was sat down in one corner, collecting her beads together.

Rotxo walks behind her, ready to give her a kiss on the cheek when she moves her face in the opposite direction, avoiding his kiss.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Rotxo asks.

She stood up, "nothing" she replied, without looking at him as she was occupied elsewhere.

"Lëy'la.. what's happened?" Rotxo asks her again.

She shook her head no, "nothing."

Rotxo stood and watched her as she moved around, without looking at him.

She was avoiding him and he knew it.

"Oh also, you dropped this" Lëy'la says, picking up his bracelet from where she left it.

Rotxo looked down at his wrist, having no idea he lost it in the first place.

"Oh, I didn't know" Rotxo takes it out her hand.

She turns away, carrying on with what she was doing.

"Is this what you are upset about? Lëy'la, I know it was careless of me and I'm sorry. But I have so much to do in one day, I don't realise when I lose my things" Rotxo tries to explain to her.

She stopped what she was doing, her back faced towards him as she let out a sigh.

"Lëy'la?" He calls out to her, being able to feel her emotions from afar.

She turned to look at him, "Kato dropped it off. Last night."

He felt himself shrink.

He forgot to tell Lëy'la.

"Lëy'la, it's not what it looks like, I swear" Rotxo says.

"Why didn't you want to tell me?" Lëy'la asks.

"I did. At first it didn't really cross my mind, and I was keen on telling you yesterday but it just slipped out of my mind. I- I'm so sorry" Rotxo walks towards her, trying to hold her hands for comfort.

But she stepped back, "go away."

Her voice cracked and her eyes became teary.


He tried to reach out for her again but she turns around to walk back out, not being able to stay in that marui for another moment.

All night she hadn't been able to sleep, because of everything.

She was hurt, and didn't know what to do or how to react. 

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