𝗰𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗲

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"You finally made it guys" Ao'nung says.

"We've been waiting for ages" Tsireya chuckles softly.

"Yeah sorry about that. My sisters we taking their time getting ready" Lo'ak side eyes Kiri.

Kiri slaps Lo'aks' shoulder, "you skxawng."

"Kiri that is a beautiful outfit.. but is that not Lëy'las' outfit?" Tsireya asks.

"She wanted to borrow it so I said it's okay" Lëy'la smiles.

"But you haven't even worn it on yet! I wanted to see what it would look like on you" Tsireya pouts.

Lëy'la laughs, "it's okay, I'll have many chances to wear it."

"Isn't that the outfit your grandma gave her?" Ao'nung whispers to Rotxo.

"Yeah, it is.." Rotxo replied, as he was stood behind Tsireya, feeling nothing but confusion, as Lëy'la was avoiding his gaze.

"I think I know what's going on here" Ao'nung whispers, as he sees Kiri looking towards Rotxo, almost like she was in a day dream.

"Don't say that and then do something stupid Ao'nung" Rotxo warns him.

"I won't" Ao'nung rolls his eyes before he goes to stand next to Neteyam. 

"What? You want to escape somewhere?" Neteyam asks quietly.

"You know me so well" Ao'nung replies as he looks down at him.

"Not tonight big boy" Neteyam laughs before he walks off with Lëy'la.


"You know, I have always wanted to a sister" Tsireya says to Lëy'la, "so you being promised to Ao'nung is like, a dream come true."

"A dream for some, not for all" Lëy'la laughs.

"I know my brother can be a headache sometimes. But he is a good brother so, I am sure he will not do anything to hurt you. He has never hurt any of my friends before and, well, you are my friend" Tsireya smiles.

Lëy'la smiles back at her, "I am glad."

Lo'ak comes to sit down next to Tsireya, handing her something to drink.

"Forget about me and Ao'nung, what about you two!" Lëy'la calls out, "I have noticed your little interactions here and there."

Meanwhile, Kiri was sat next to Rotxo.

"So, do you think the moon will be as beautiful as everyone says it will?" Kiri asks him.

"Probably" Rotxo replies, as he's looking down at his feet.

Kiri sees him looking down and feels confused, not knowing what she could say to him.

She then thinks of something.

"You must like it. Living with your grandma?" Kiri asks.

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