𝗰𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝗳𝗼𝗿𝘁𝘆 𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗲

419 13 24


"What has been going on, that you have kept my granddaughter this unhappy?" Mo'at asks.

She was sat alongside Neytiri and Jake, whilst Tuk was nearby.

Despite looking as though she was merely in her own business, she turns to face her grandmother, knowing both Neytiri and Jake would stay quiet.

"Father planned to get her mated with the chief's son" Tuk spoke.

"What?" Mo'at looked at Jake in shock.

Jake looked towards Tuk confused, but she only shrugged as she stood up, walking to get into her grandmothers arms, ready to be cradled up.

"She tried to run away and got hurt. Eyza died" Tuk pouted, as she leaned her head against her grandmothers shoulder.

"And you only thought to call me now?" Mo'at raises her voice.

"Mother" Neytiri came to Jake's defence, "we were helpless. We needed a place to stay and it was the only offer. But everything is okay. Our eldest children are mated with the men that they wish to be with."

"Neteyam has mated-? Jake, where was all this information!" Mo'at snaps back.

"Mother" Neytiri tilted her head as she gave her mother a 'be-reasonable' look.

"I felt her heavy heart against me when she cried. I can not be reasonable when you have made her feel this way" Mo'at responds, "is this what I had agreed on. To let you go only to keep your children in misery?"

"Me and Lëy'la have spoken. She is fine" Jake responds.

"Then what else has her this upset?" Mo'at asks.

Neytiri and Jake both look at one another quietly.

"Do you wish for me to go and find out for myself?" Mo'at asks.

"Do not cause any trouble here" Neytiri sighs.

"Then tell me what is it? What is bothering her?" Mo'at asks.

"It is a situation shared with her and her mate. It is not something we can get involved in" Jake responds.

"And who is her mate?" Mo'at asks.

Neytiri and Jake both look down, hesitant to let the poor boy feel the wrath of someone as angry as Mo'at tended to be.

"His name is Rotxo" Tuk spoke.

Mo'at looked down in her lap, to Tuk, "I can show you where he is."

"That's not neces-!"
"Yes please" Mo'at cuts off Jake from letting out another word, as she stood up.

Tuk leads the way, Mo'at following her out. She turns her head back to look at Neytiri and Jake, "I am not done with either of you."

And with that, she left.

"Should we warn him? Or Lëy'la?" Neytiri asks.

Jake shrugs, "I suppose in some sense, he deserves to be shouted out by your mother. We might not be as scary, but she totally is."

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