𝗰𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝘁𝘄𝗲𝗻𝘁𝘆 𝘁𝘄𝗼

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"We can't just stay here Neteyam. We have to go back and look around" Lo'ak says as him and Neteyam had returned back to the island.

"We don't know where she is" Neteyam says, "what use will it be."

"Which is why we have to look. We can't just leave her out there" Lo'ak says.

"Lo'ak.. we can't.."

"What are you trying to say? That she might be dead?" Lo'ak asks.

"There is a possibility that she could be dead. Eyza was found dead and she's missing. There is no way she could be alive" Neteyam replied.

"She is alive. She is most definitely alive. It would not make sense for her to be dead when she took her belongings with her. She might be hurt, but there is no way she is dead" Lo'ak says.

"So you think she's hiding?" Neteyam asks.

"Yes! Who wouldn't? She's out there alone and she needs us. We're her brothers. She has been there for us every time we needed her. Now we need to find her" Lo'ak turns around and stops in sudden shock.

Neteyam notices his expression and turns around to see Ao'nung and Rotxo stood behind them.

"How much did you-?"

"All of it. We heard all of it" Ao'nung says.

"Lëy'las' dead..?" Rotxo asks.


Neteyam and Lo'ak both say at the same time.

Lo'ak sighs, "there is no way she is dead and we need to find her."

"Both of our fathers have gone out a long with a search party" Ao'nung says.

"So what? We sit here and do nothing?" Lo'ak asks.

Ao'nung gives a glance to Neteyam, "it's better than having another one of you hurt."

"If you want to stay then stay. I'm going to find her" Lo'ak walks off.

"Lo'ak, wait-"

Neteyam tries to hold him back but Lo'ak ignores him, continuing to walk away.

"What did you... find? When you saw Eyza?" Rotxo asks.

"She was laying there with blood on her stomach. Lo'ak noticed the blood. But there was not much to see, it was dark out" Neteyam says.

"So what are we doing here? Come on, let's go with Lo'ak. We can go back there and try and find out what might have happened" Ao'nung runs off after Lo'ak, as the rest follow.


"Her hair is very long" R'ia says, as she touches Lëy'las' hair gently.

"And one day you will have hair just as long, R'ia" her grandmother (Tsahìk) replied, as she is sat opposite Lëy'la, examining her head.

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