𝗰𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝘁𝗵𝗿𝗲𝗲

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It had gotten to the next morning.

Lëy'la was out, with Tuk and Kiri, as they were sat in a hammock, far off from their marui.

"You know, I'm starting to like the days here with just us three" Lëy'la says to her younger sisters.

"It is just like the old times. Sitting with grandma, under the tree, making necklaces" Kiri smiles, as she's braiding Tuk's hair.

"Do you think Grandma still thinks about us?" Tuk asks.

Lëy'la looks up from her busy hands, that were adding beads onto her bracelet, that she was currently making.

"Tuk.. of course she does. What makes you question that she does not?" Lëy'la asks.

"Why didn't she come with us? Why did she stay?" Tuk asks.

"Because she is the Tsahìk. She must stay to protect the people" Lëy'la sits up, as she reaches for Tuk's hand, holding onto it gently.

Kiri tilts her head to the side, as she looks to Tuk.

"Do not be upset Tuk. We will get to see her again soon" Kiri smiles at her.

"I hope so" Tuk whispers, as she gives a sad smile.

Lëy'la strokes her thumb onto Tuk's hand, to give her comfort.

"We will Tuk but right now, you have us. Hm?" Lëy'la assured her.

Tuk nods.

"Hey I know an idea. Why don't you make a bracelet for grandma" Kiri suggest.

Lëy'la gasps in excitement, "yes! You should definitely make one for her. Then, when we see her again, you can give her as a special gift!"

Tuk giggles and nods, "I'll make her one."

Lëy'la smiled at her, as she sat back, letting go of Tuk's hand.

She looks to Kiri, as they share a sad smile with one another.

They knew it was not as easy as they made it sound. And they could not help but feel bad about it.


Lëy'la hears some laughter, causing her to turn around to look. To see who it was.

They were still sat in the hammock.

Aonung's annoying friends. Koro, and his brother. Of course.

Lëy'la looks away, to avoid them.

But of course, his friends would not just leave her alone. Especially, since they knew how much Aonung hated her.

"Awh look who it is!" One of them walks towards the three girls, as he rests his arm over Lëy'las' shoulder.

"Oh get off me!" Lëy'la pushes him away.

"I can see why Aonung doesn't like a girl like you" He says, "so uptight."

"Uptight, because I do not like you touching me? Behave yourself" Lëy'la rolls her eyes and looks back to her necklace, trying her best to avoid him.

"Ooh what's this!" Aonung's other friend, Koro, walks to the other side of the hammock they were sat in, as he stood beside Tuk.

Lëy'la looked up towards him, seeing him holding onto Tuk's bracelet, that was currently in the making.

"Leave my bracelet alone!" Tuk shouts.

"Koro, leave her alone" Lëy'la pushes him away.

"I never did anything, I'm just observing her bracelet" Koro holds onto it once again.

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