𝗰𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝘀𝗲𝘃𝗲𝗻𝘁𝗲𝗲𝗻

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"So you believe that their is a purpose to everything, in life?" Rotxo asks Lëy'la, as they're sat together.

Under the night sky, as the stars laid above.

"Of course. Many things happen for a reason. Take my family for example. Where we come from, and the people of the forest. We have suffered for many years, because of the sky people. Not only have they destroyed our homes, but our happiness" Lëy'la says.

Rotxo looks at her, his eyes sadden as she talks about her home, knowing how it was upsetting for her to think about.

"At first, I was heartbroken. Angry. We are Eywa's children, she should help us. Side with us. She has such great power. But growing up I have come to realise, we get the good and we get the bad. It's the balance in life we need, because if all we got was good? We'd be just as bad as true sky people. Greedy, selfish. Just... horrible people" Lëy'la says.

"I don't think you could ever be any of those things" Rotxo's fingers run through her curls softly, as he moves her hair back.

Lëy'la smiles, "I would never wish to stoop to that level. I chose to live my life as it goes, every day, until my energy must be returned."

Rotxo nods, "I do agree with that."

Lëy'la looks back at him.

"When my mother died, I was only six years old. I was heartbroken. I felt betrayed, that I'd been left all alone. But growing up, I realised, we can not stay for as long as we wish to. When time is up, we must give the energy back to Eywa, with an open heart. And open mind. And be thankful to her" Rotxo says.

Lëy'la places her hand above his, "I'm sure Eywa will understand why you felt the way you did. You were so young, it is very understandable. It must have been very hard on you."

Rotxo nods, "it was, but, I had gotten closer to my grandma over time, so it has it's positives. Like you said."

Lëy'la smiles at him.

She looks down at his hip, noticing his song chord attached to it, with a bead missing.

"Every song chord must have a last bead. Yours does not.." Lëy'la moves her hand from his, before holding onto his song chord gently, looking at it.

"My mother's bead was the last bead on my chord. After she had passed? Well.. I haven't had anyone else to put onto it for now" Rotxo shrugs.

"So now, you cannot sing it, until you find the last bead.." Lëy'la whispers as she realises.

Rotxo nods, "it is fine. Do not feel bad" he sees the concerned look on her face.

"I'm sorry" Lëy'la apologises anyways.

"You have nothing to be sorry about. Really" Rotxo assures her.

Putting on a smile, he picks up a stick near him.

A long, thin stick, sharp from each end.

"What are you doing with that?" Lëy'la asks.

"Watch this" Rotxo moves himself closer to her, as he begins to draw something through the sand, using this stick.

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