𝗰𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝘁𝗲𝗻

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Rotxo arrives back into his grandmother's marui, as he walked in with his head down.

"How was it-?" His grandmother's voice decreasing as he sees the sad look on his face. 

"Rotxo. What happened?" She asks.

"Nothing, I'm okay" Rotxo replied.

"Come, sit down and talk to me. You can say you are okay, but I already know that you are not" his grandmother pats down next to her, letting Rotxo come and sit.

"What happened? Is it to do with Lëy'la?" His grandmother asks.

"The one woman that I like and yet, I can not have her" Rotxo sighs, "is life really this difficult?"

"If it was not difficult, then you would have probably not met Lëy'la. She would have been living her best life elsewhere" his grandmother shrugs.

Rotxo sighs, and rolls his eyes, "I just.. I do not know what to do. Or how to feel. I know, it has only been four weeks-"

"Five" is grandmother corrects him.

"Five" he smiles, "but I just know that.. that I belong with her. She does not even like Ao'nung."

"You know, you remind me of your father" his grandmother says.

Rotxo turns to look at her.

"When he first laid his eyes on your mother, that man was madly in love. He could not stop talking about her. Many sleepless nights, thinking about her. And he had not even spoken to her yet" Rotxo's grandmother lets out a soft chuckle as she remembers him.

Rotxo smiles, "sounds just like me."

"Your father made me realise, maybe love at first sight was a real thing after all" his grandmother says, "and now you have fallen for Lëy'la."

"But what is the point? I have no chance with her, when she is promised to Ao'nung" Rotxo sighs, "and her sister likes me."

"Kiri?" His grandmother asks.

Rotxo nods.

"Well, that must be a hard decision on Lëy'la" his grandmother says.

"She is willing to put her feelings aside, for her sister" Rotxo says.

"Well, that is what older siblings do. You must understand Lëy'las' situation" Rotxo's grandmother says.

"I do. I understand her very much. But what I do not understand, is why she does not put herself first. She's making herself miserable, just to keep her siblings happy" Rotxo tells her.

"Well.. you make her happy" his grandmother tells him.

"So what? It is not like I can take it anywhere" Rotxo shrugs.

"Maybe you can?" Rotxo's grandmother replies, "she cares about you. And I know that you care about her too. So, give her that company. Be her company."


Lëy'la was sat on her own outside the marui, as she begins to unbraid her hair slowly, her mind in a completely different place.

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