𝗰𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝘁𝗵𝗶𝗿𝘁𝘆 𝘁𝘄𝗼

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Lëy'la knew, she was his mother, as Rotxo had mentioned her before.

"What are you doing here? You should not be here" his grandmother sat up.

"And why not?" Elfì replied.

"You lost all rights the day you left him and ran away. Now leave!" Rotxo's grandmother replies.

"I'm here because I wish to see him and make up for the mistake I have made. He is my son and I have every right to be here" Elfì says.

"You left him?" Lëy'la says as she stood up slowly, "this whole time he's been lied to. He thought you were dead when in fact, you just left?"

"Who is this?" Elfì asks, looking at Rotxo's grandmother.

"It doesn't matter who I am. Why are you here to make it up after so many years? You are going to break his heart" Lëy'la says and then looks to his grandmother, "both of you."

"There was nothing else I could tell him. He was too young to understand that his mother left because she no longer wished to take care of him" his grandmother says.

"I was young! It was hard" Elfì says, "you can not blame me."

"Grandma, look I-" Rotxo walks in and immediately stops talking as he sees that his grandmother is not alone.

"Lëy'la? What are you doing here?" Rotxo asks.

"I just came to visit your grandma" Lëy'la replied, as she looked away from Elfì, coldly.

"Oh right" Rotxo let's out a light chuckle before he walks towards Lëy'la, "so she is my mate now."

He then turns to Elfì, seeing her look at him with teary eyes.

"Who is that?" Rotxo asks as he leans his face closer to Lëy'la.

However Lëy'la does not respond, as she could not. It felt as though something was stuck in her throat as she stood there, looking at Elfì.

"You should leave. This is a time for family" his grandmother comes forward to Elfì.

"Rotxo.. is that you?" She pushes his grandmother away and begins to walk towards him.

"Who are you? Don't push my grandmother like that" Rotxo says as he walks towards her, "are you okay?"

She nods in response, but looks at him worried.

He looks back to Elfì, "get out."


"Get out! You have no right to come in here and just push my grandmother that way" Rotxo says.

"I'm your mother, Rotxo" Elfì says.

"What? Excuse me, but my mother no longer lives. You have got the wrong person" Rotxo says.

"Rotxo it's me. Elfì. Your mother" She walks towards him, cupping onto his cheeks, "you've grown up so much."

Rotxo's eyes soften as he looks into hers, feeling the warmth presence of his mother as he once did, when he was a child.

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