CH 21 - PTSD

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Just after 3 am, Taehyung woke up with a start and began screaming. Jimin and Jungkook still lay by his side and both tried to calm the fallen angel down by stroking his hair and wiping away his tears. Yoongi, Hobi, and Jin sat nearby and jumped to their feet at Taehyung's screams.

While still trying to soothe his lover, Jungkook turned to Jin and said, "I have pain killers in the bathroom top drawer." He had leftover pills from getting his wisdom teeth pulled out a few months earlier. Jin came back quickly with the bottle and handed it to Jungkook. With Jimin's help, Jungkook managed to coax two Vicodin tablets into Taehyung along with some water.

Jimin began singing a song softly to Taehyung while Jungkook tried to get him to focus on his face. "Baby, you're going to be ok. Me and your friends will take care of you however long it takes." Jungkook continued whispering sweet words to his love and was relieved when his screams died down. He leaned in and gave his love a light kiss on the lips and watched as Taehyung's eyes glazed over as the pain medicine took effect.

Throughout the next day, this cycle repeated every few hours

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Throughout the next day, this cycle repeated every few hours. Each time, Taehyung's screams tore at Jungkook's heart. It was late afternoon, and Taehyung had just returned to sleep. Jin dragged Jungkook into the kitchen saying, "Jungkookie, you need to eat something. I made some soup."

As Jungkook begrudgingly ate a bowl of doenjang-jjigae, Yoongi stood across the counter from him getting some water for Jimin and Hobi who were keeping Tae company. Jungkook looked at the angel and asked, "What the hell happened?! Will you tell me, Yoongi? Tell me the truth."

Yoongi sighed, "It was awful. As soon as Namjoon announced the verdict, the guards stripped his shirt off and began removing his wings off of him."

Tears formed in Jungkook's eyes and he pushed the remaining stew away, unable to eat anymore

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Tears formed in Jungkook's eyes and he pushed the remaining stew away, unable to eat anymore. "They ripped the wings off of him? Like what he told me about Chan and the others."

"Unfortunately, yes. He passed out after a few minutes, which really was for the best. The whole process is beyond cruel. Taehyung didn't deserve that." Yoongi looked down and shook his head. "Then they dragged him to the door and threw him out. Jimin was the first to chase after his falling body, and was able to slow him down. Hobi and I caught up to them and helped carry him back to Earth."

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