CH 20 - Ejected from Heaven

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Immediately after the verdict was announced, four guard angels came in and pulled Taehyung forward. One guard tore Taehyung's shirt off of him, exposing his beautiful, white wings. As two of the guards held onto each of Taehyung's arms, the other two began the torturous process of removing his wings.

Namjoon couldn't stomach watching, and turned away. He saw Hoseok retching in one corner and Jimin sobbing in another. Yoongi shot Namjoon an angry look, and seemed ready to say something, but was interrupted by Taehyung's screams.

The shrieks of pain went on for several minutes until it grew eerily quiet, except for the continuing sounds of tearing flesh and cartilage. Looking towards Taehyung's still form, Yoongi could tell that the angel had lost consciousness.

Once Taehyung's wings were fully removed, the guards dragged him to the doors and ejected him from heaven. Jimin gasped as he watched his friend's seemingly-lifeless body plummet towards Earth.

Jimin immediately flew down towards Taehyung, trying to catch his friend and slow his descent

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Jimin immediately flew down towards Taehyung, trying to catch his friend and slow his descent. Yoongi and Hoseok were quick to follow. By the time they reached the prone body of the fallen angel, Jimin had his arms around his friend and was using all of his strength to fight the pull of gravity. The three angels worked together to slow Taehyung's fall. As they entered the troposphere, Jimin supported Taehyung's full weight with help from the other two.

They flew to Taehyung's apartment and landed heavily on the balcony just after sundown.


While the trial proceeded in heaven in what seemed like one day, on Earth a week had passed. Jungkook was nearly inconsolable with worry over his lover. Jin remained by his side the entire time and forced him to eat and bathe. He tried to distract Jungkook, but spent most of the time holding the human and trying to bring him comfort.

Jungkook was curled up asleep on the sofa with his head on Jin's lap. Jin ran his fingers softly through the young man's hair, stopping when he got a quick call from Namjoon. Jin had never seen Namjoon look more disconsolate than the look he had during the brief call. Namjoon spoke just three words before turning the call off, a silent tear falling down his cheek. "It is done."

Jin gasped softly, "Oh Joonie

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Jin gasped softly, "Oh Joonie." His heart broke for his love. He knew that it wasn't Namjoon's will to carry out such a harsh punishment on their friend.

There was a noise on the balcony which caused Jin to jump and Jungkook to awaken. Jimin, Yoongi, and Hoseok came into the apartment carrying the bleeding, immobile body of Taehyung. Jin sucked in his breath and bit his tongue to keep from crying out.

Jungkook bounded to his feet and immediately began screaming when he saw the bloody patches where Taehyung's wings had been. "They killed him! They killed my love!" Jungkook began hyperventilating and collapsed onto his knees, tears streaming down his face.

Yoongi spoke up quietly, "He's not dead. Let's take him to his room." The other two nodded and they carried Taehyung to his bed, laying him gently on his stomach.

Jin pulled Jungkook up and forced him to focus. "Jungkookie, you need to be strong. Tae needs you to be strong for him. Can you do that?" He was satisfied when Jungkook gave him a single nod. "Help me get some first aid supplies to clean and dress his wounds."

The two went to the the bathroom and pulled out some clean cloths, gauze, and antibacterial ointment. When they made it to the bedroom, Taehyung's still body lay on the bed with Jimin curled up on his right side stroking his head.

Jungkook had first aid training from working at animal clinics, and he instinctually assessed the wounds and began working on them. While he methodically cleaned and staunched the bleeding, he noticed that Taehyung was not moving at all. As if reading his thoughts, Yoongi spoke up. "He passed out pretty quickly into the procedure. It's a blessing really that he is still unconscious."

Continuing his work, Jungkook applied a thin layer of ointment and wrapped the wounds with gauze as best he could. He looked around at the other angels and asked quietly, "Will he be alright?"

Jimin looked up from the bed and caught Jungkook's eyes. "We're going to be here for as long as it takes to make sure he is okay." The two nodded at each other, agreeing that they would be there for Taehyung as he worked through this horror.

Jin helped pick up the remaining first aid supplies and carried them back to the bathroom. Meanwhile, Jungkook joined Taehyung in bed and lay down on his left side. He nodded once more at Jimin and the two wrapped Taehyung into a cocoon formed of their bodies. "Whatever it takes," Jungkook thought. "We're going to get through this."


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[A/N - The past two chapters were so difficult to write. I got misty-eyed while writing them and still get like that reading them again months later. 🥺 He'll be ok, but some dark times before he gets there.]

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