CH 30 - Christmas

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6 months later , Los Angeles

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6 months later , Los Angeles


Jungkook was the first to wander out to the kitchen to make coffee. He glanced over towards the living room and saw that the Christmas tree had a bunch of new presents underneath and the stockings hanging from the fireplace mantel were full. Before making coffee, Jungkook went to his studio and pulled a few presents out of a closet. He then placed those around the tree and in Taehyung's stocking just before he heard steps coming down the hallway.

"Coffee?" Taehyung's face was puffy from sleep, but to Jungkook he looked adorable.

"It's almost ready. Go sit down, love, and I'll bring it out to you."

Taehyung wandered into the living room and sat on the sofa. As his eyes focused, he smiled happily at the Christmas tree and all of the presents, noting some that hadn't been there last night. "Hey look, Santa was here."

The fallen angel had adapted easily to the human Christmas traditions, despite knowing that many of them were rooted in paganism. This being the seventh Christmas that the angel was spending with his true love, he enjoyed the way the holiday traditions brightened Jungkook's face.

Setting down two cups of coffee, Jungkook joined his fiancée on the couch and leaned in to give him a kiss. "Merry Christmas, my love."

A smile erupted on Taehyung's face and he pulled Jungkook onto his lap. "Look, it's my favorite Christmas present." He leaned in to kiss him as Jungkook giggled.

"Let's drink our coffee and open presents!"

"Can I open this one?" Taehyung chewed on his lip while looking at the beautiful man sitting on his lap.

Giggling some more, Jungkook said, "Maybe later. You have been a good boy this year, so you deserve treats. But presents & coffee first."

As Jungkook slid off his love's lap, he heard loud squawking out back. He stood up to look outside and noticed numerous birds throughout the small yard. Plus there were several stray cats who oddly enough seemed to not be interested in the birds. Instead they were looking into the house as if waiting for something. "Babe, you should come look out here. It's like a scene from National Geographic."

Setting down his coffee mug, Taehyung wondered aloud, "Do we have visitors?" A boxy smile broke out across his face as he joined Jungkook to look outside when there was a knock on the front door.

"Hmm, I wonder who that can be?" Taehyung laughed happily as he walked over to open the door. When he did two of his favorite angels were standing in front of him.

 When he did two of his favorite angels were standing in front of him

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