CH 33 - The End

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Seventy years

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Seventy years... seventy incredible years of love and joy, occasional disagreements and arguments, but mostly bliss. It was just a few weeks after the couple celebrated their 65th wedding anniversary when Jungkook took his last breath.

The couple continued to live in Los Angeles for 10 years until people started questioning how Taehyung stayed so youthful looking while Jungkook began getting crow's feet around his eyes and more strands of gray hair. It being California, most people assumed that plastic surgery was involved, but people they routinely saw at their favorite haunts occasionally asked.

During those 16 years, Jungkook went from a budding young artist to a world-renowned and celebrated artist. Until one day when he abruptly made the decision to stop painting. During their first backpacking trip together, Jungkook started taking photos with his old film camera. That passion grew until he decided to convert part of his studio to a dark room where he developed his photos. His agent wanted him to do shows for his photography as well as keep taking commissions, but Jungkook was done with that part of his life. Instead he had a cabinet full of negatives and a closet full of prints that few people saw except for their friends.

 Instead he had a cabinet full of negatives and a closet full of prints that few people saw except for their friends

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Taehyung continued to work with Namjoon, Jimin, and Yoongi but took more breaks to spend time with his love. He saw that Jungkook was becoming more inspired with photography, so the two frequently took road trips around the country, going camping and backpacking all over North America. Taehyung loved to see the world through Jungkook's camera lens and fully supported his turn to photography.

When Jungkook made a full break from the art world, numerous news articles came out and for over a year, their lives were constantly interrupted with paparazzi taking their photos when they went out to eat, or to a movie, or even during their morning walks. It became annoying to the point where they decided to move back to Seoul. Plus during those years, the Korean government adopted laws that formalized LGBTQ rights, and their marriage would now be legally recognized.

During the 20 years in Korea that followed, the two continued to travel the region so that Jungkook could work on his photography. They even went with Jimin several times into the area where Nila had been released into the wild. While she had died many years earlier, her children and grandchildren lived on in the area and had grown to recognize the angels and human who felt like family.

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