just a girl

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season 1, episode 3
chapter song : seventeen

Carmin sat at the table with Oliver and his friends, who were still trying to get over the fact that she was actually there with them

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Carmin sat at the table with Oliver and his friends, who were still trying to get over the fact that she was actually there with them. She and Miguel had become very close in the last two months they spent talking as Carmin would sit with them.

Aisha had also joined them a few times as she was good friends with Carmin and Oliver. The girl was chewing on gum whilst staring off into space while the vice spoke on the microphone.

"Cyber bullying is no laughing matter. Sending a cruel message to someone online can be just as hurtful as saying it to their face. I'm not going to name names but the other day, a mother called me up because her son was crying after some kids online made fun of his facial deformity."

Everyone's eyes went to Eli, who had a scar just above his lip, Carmin personally liked the scar, it didn't seem to be that big of a deal. Her eyes glowered at anyone who dared to even look Eli's way.

"But today, our goal here is to make the school a safe place for all students-." Carmin rolled her eyes at the woman as Miguel turned back to face them. "If you're sick of getting bullied, my karate dojo is looking for recruits."

Eli nodded at the advice, "Oh cool, you're doing karate?" Miguel nodded his head as a smile overtook the girls features, Miguel thought she glowed when she smiled.

"Yeah, right. You hear that, Eli? A little karate training, and you're gonna kick some major ass." Demetri spoke sarcastically, Carmin rolled her eyes, she didn't really like Demetri. He was kind of mean and sad.

"I'm serious, Demetri. My sensei is the real deal. I'm sure I could get you all discounts." Miguel noted, looking between the group of friends.

"As enticing as it sounds, I think we'd rather spend our afternoons, playing crucible control, then getting hit in the face." Demetri shut the idea down, Carmin noticed Eli's face fall.

"I don't know, I think I would like to hit you in the face." Oliver elbowed the girl while Demetri rolled his eyes, the comment got a laugh out of Miguel and Eli though.

"And one last thing. While we're all looking forward to the Halloween dance, let's make sure our costumes are culturally sensitive. For example, instead of "sexy nurse", maybe try " gender, neutral, hospital employee."

Carmin let out a laugh at the woman's comments, no way was anyone actually going to listen to her. "So what are you going to be for Halloween?"

Oliver asked Carmin, who tilted her head to the side for a moment, "Hmm.. let's go with Zarina from Tinkerbell." Oliver didn't know who that was but he nodded his head, "Sounds cool."

Carmin deflated slightly at his lack of reaction but didn't say anything. Miguel and Eli shared a look at the interaction, it'd been 4 months and the pair had yet to call it quits.

This shocked the entire school as Carmin had never once gone past her two month rule. "I'm going to class." She got up, taking her bag from the chair and walking away, her lackies quickly following.

"What'd I say?" Oliver asked looking at his friends, "You, my friend, are so getting dumped." Demetri patted his arm as Oliver lifted his brows, "I didn't even do anything."

"No offense, but you're being an asshole." Miguel noted off to the boy, who scoffed as Demetri nodded, "Girls like Carmin are worth a million jules, you're like worthless."

"My dad owns the country club." Oliver reminded his friend, "Yeah, her mom can buy it off you and probably the entire valley. And the second she dumps you, no offense dude but I'm so chasing after her again."

Carmin entered the gymnasium that was decorated for the Halloween festivities that was going on. She noticed the boys by the entrance but chose to ignore them as she made her way over to Aisha.

"Come on, let's dance." Aisha grinned, glad to see that not all of her friends had turned their backs on her. The two girls jumped at the side of the room, laughing to themselves.

Many people viewed Carmin as some stuck up, rich girl but she was much much more than that. It was just not everybody got to view that side of her. Not everyone got to know how sweet and kind and caring she is. Not everyone got to be loved by Carmin, but those who know her know that she's one of the most loving and adoring people in the world. 

Because in reality, Carmin Viola Kim was anything but a stuck up, rich girl. She was a friend, a daughter, and a sister. She's just a girl.

Her eyes went back over to the group of boys to make sure that her boyfriend hadn't snuck off. She found the group of boys by the punch, sneakily watching the crowd before walking off.

She furrowed her brows in confusion seeing them leave, "Hey, I'm going to go talk to Oli, okay?" Aisha nodded her head with a grin on her face, "Yeah, don't mind me, I'll just be by the snack table."

Carmin nodded before she began to make her way through the crowd. Carmin walked into the hallway, looking around at the deserted halls when she heard a slam behind her.

A squeal escaped her lips as she jumped up, "Who the fuck are you?!" She shouted at the old, white man who was leaning against a locker whilst putting posters up. "Johnny Lawrence, Karate Sensei, who the fuck are you?"

"Carmin Kim, rich girl." She shrugged at her own introduction as the man, Johnny eyed her. "You wouldn't know anyone who's interested in karate, would you?"

Carmin paused thinking of people, "Just Miguel-." Johnny looked at her in surprise, "Are you one of the jackasses bullying that kid, come here, I'm gonna-."

"No, I'm like his only female friend, and what were you gonna do? Kick my ass? I've been in gymnastics since the 1st grade, I could kick your ass."

Johnny stared at her with a raised brow, liking her fiery spirit, "And are you interested in karate?"

She lifted a brow of surprise, "No, but I am interested in kicking your ass." She painted a smirk on her face while Johnny scoffed, "Whatever, bitch, come by the dojo sometime, we'll see who kicks ass."

"Yeah, we'll see jack ass!" She called back to the man who was walking down the hallway, she continued her search when she heard sniffling. Turning around she found Aisha walking fastly towards the front doors of the school.

"Aisha! Hey! Wait up!" The girl didn't stop so Carmin quickly ran after her, wrapping an arm around her waist. "Hey, talk to me."

Carmin marched into the girls bathroom with an angry look on her face. Throwing the door open, she found Yasmine with wide eyes as she smudged her lipstick. "Oh hey Carmin, care to join us for the-."

She was cut off with a swift punch to the face. Yasmine gasped as did Moon who jumped back in shock. "Just because you vomit your meals, doesn't mean your fucking cool. You're pathetic, Yasmine."

The blonde stared at her with wide eyes and a bloody nose, "Come for Aisha again, I will hunt you down and tear out your highlights, bitch."

The blonde now wore an annoyed face, "What?! You come and punch me for that-that pig! If she didn't want to be a laughing stalk then she shouldn't have been tearing
down the food table."

Yasmine shouted in an annoyed tone, Carmin growled in annoyance, taking the blonde by her ponytail and swinging her onto the floor. Yasmine cried in pain as Carmin crouched down beside her.

"Don't forget who you're talking too. You know I can ruin your life with one click of a button, don't push it, man hands." Carmin got up off the ground and made her way out of the bathroom.

Aisha stood on the other side of the hallway, "What did you say?" The girl asked Carmin, who grinned, "Just the usual back off or I kick your ass."


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