the eyes can tell

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season 1, episode 8
chapter song : everything i wanted

Carmin had entered the junkyard with a wide look of disgust and confusion as the sun glared into her eyes

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Carmin had entered the junkyard with a wide look of disgust and confusion as the sun glared into her eyes.

"You've trained hard, you've gotten stronger, tougher, faster. You've done your best. You're ready for this tournament, am I right?" Johnny called down to the students after he chugged a beer. "Yes, sensei!"

The covers cheered in response, "Wrong!" Johnny through his beer back down at them, causing them to jump back in shock. "Your best ain't shit! If you want to win the All Valley under 18 karate tournament, you got to give me better than your best. Which is why from now on, you're gonna get my worst. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Sensei!" They shouted again louder than before, "Are you losers?" Johnny shouted, "No, Sensei!" "Are you nerds?" "No, Sensei!" They shouted again.

"Are you sure?" Johnny asked, Carmin caught herself but the others continued, "No, Sensei!" Johnny facepalmed causing Carmin to laugh before he put them into doing all kinds of drills.

Carmin was beyond annoyed as every time she had to jump, her boobs went with her and it ached. Badly. If you're a girl, you know, even if you have no boobs, it hurts for no reason.

"Move those feet! Let's go!" Johnny called as Carmin and Hawk made their way through the tired, Carmin nearly twisted her ankles but she managed to get through.

Her smile had been wiped from her face.

Instead, there was a frown and a bunch of sweat, even a sweat mustache that was started to pile up above her lip. And she felt ichy and icky everywhere.

"You're enemies are everywhere. Destroy them." Johnny called as everyone had a pipe or wooden club on them. Carmin put on googles as she wasn't trying to go blind.

She grabbed a metal pipe before heading off to break a car window which she did with ease. "Wow this is nice!" She called to Miguel who was trying not to laugh at the wide grin on her face.

To Miguel, Carmin was one of the most precious people he'd ever met. He didn't care that he'd made a new enemy out of Oliver because he had Carmin. Carmin who had his back. Carmin who he knew, was on his team.

And Carmin, who he was a little afraid of. Especially now as she swung a metal pipe into a car window, effectively shattering it while she laughed manically. That was Miguel's best friend, Carmin.

And she was beautiful.

Miguel as well began to shatter windows from the other side of car. Carmin cheering wildly as she high fived the boy. "Come on, come on." Hawk urged as he pulled the duo to the side of an abandoned building.

  𝖈𝖆𝖗𝖒𝖎𝖓  𝙘𝙤𝙗𝙧𝙖 𝙠𝙖𝙞Where stories live. Discover now