legendary 17th

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season 5, episode 5
extreme measures
chapter song : vienna

season 5, episode 5extreme measureschapter song : vienna

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You know that feeling when you're about to turn seventeen and you're either excited or you're worried because you're convinced somehow the world's gonna end when you turn seventeen?

Carmin was currently a mix of both, she remembered when she was a kid, she'd always wanted to grow up. Go to parties, meet a cute guy, get married and have a family of her own. She'd always wanted to grow up.

But when you hit that age, seventeen, suddenly you don't want to grow up. You want to be the kid that you forced to grow up. Carmin never had an easy childhood by any means, she never truly was a kid after her father passed away.

And she was alone for so long, but now she has a family, a big one. Everyone loves her or sees her as someone who could do no wrong. Even when she had the right to be the villain, she never truly was.

Being hurt and alone, she forced herself to be someone she never hoped to be. But now, she's seventeen. Now things aren't so bad but a small part of her is convinced that the world's gonna end at any moment.

Hence why she was curled up on her living room couch, Hannah Montana playing on the flat screen while her mom shouted at workers who were getting Carmin's party ready. Carmin never really liked parties, especially when they were centered around her.

She used to dream of her big sweet sixteen but that day has came and went. She was a little shocked with how much things had changed in one year. I mean, one year ago, Aisha was still here, Miguel and her were as close as ever and there was no Robby and Carmin.

Now, Aisha was gone, Miguel and her are mending broken pieces and Robby was the only person who truly understood Carmin.

"What's on your mind kid?" Carmin's eyes drifted away from the tv screen, seeing as the seat beside her sunk down as Tod took a seat there. "What?" She questioned a little tiredly, "What's wrong? Hmm? It's your birthday, shouldn't you be jumping around, yelling at people to put things where they go? Not staring into that wall."

Carmin glanced around her living room, a frown on her face, "How long have I been here?" Tod shrugged his shoulders, a fatherly expression overtaking his face, "A good while, at least you're ready. People will be here soon."

She hummed, tapping her fingers against the couch, "Hey, Tod.. when you turned seventeen, what did it feel like?" He huffed, a small smile sprouting on his face as he thought of his teenage years, "Well, I was excited, my mom through me this big party and the cutest girl in school was going. Everything went great, you know, but when I woke up.. it kinda hit me that clock was ticking, had to decide what I wanted in the future and fast. Life's starting and that's scary, Min but it's not the end of the world. It's the beginning."

"I'll be okay?" Carmin questioned, glancing over at her future brother in law, "You'll be more than okay.. you don't have to have everything figured out, you've still got time. Follow your dreams, kid, nothing can stop you, only yourself."

  𝖈𝖆𝖗𝖒𝖎𝖓  𝙘𝙤𝙗𝙧𝙖 𝙠𝙖𝙞Where stories live. Discover now