he's a jealous boy

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season 1, episode 4
Cobra Kai Never Dies
chapter song : vigilante shit

Carmin stood in a pair of cargo jeans with a black tub top and a white sheer, long sleeve, she knocked on the door of the Diaz apartment

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Carmin stood in a pair of cargo jeans with a black tub top and a white sheer, long sleeve, she knocked on the door of the Diaz apartment. A woman who appeared to young to be a 40 something year old mother, opened the door.

"Can I help you?" She asked with a smile on her face, Carmin lifted up a bag, "Yeah, hi, I'm Carmin, Miguel's friend?"

The woman's face brightened with realization, "You're names Carmin? Mines Carmen as well." Carmin grinned at the sudden fact as the woman waved at someone from behind the door. "Really? Miguel never told me that."

In a second, Miguel was at the door, shooing his mother away with a look. "Hey, what are you doing here?"

"Heard you got your ass kicked, got you some snacks for your recovery." She handed over the bag of snacks that Miguel accepted hesitantly.

"You didn't have too. It wasn't that big of a deal." She shrugged her shoulders, "It was.. I mean, you did what you needed too. Sorry that Oliver and the others left you behind, but it probably wasn't the smartest idea to stay."

Miguel laughed slightly at her tone, "Yeah, I probably should have left." She sent him a smile before preparing to leave, "Hey Carmin." She stopped in her tracks, turning back to look at him with a questioning look on her face.

"You're costume was spot on." Her face flashed with confusion for a second before brightening with understanding. "Really?! No one else really got it."

Miguel smiled slightly, a little flustered with how happy he made her with his simple comment. "Yeah, and hey.. I know it's not really my buisness but um I think you can do better than Oliver.. he hasn't been the kindest to you."

Her face fell slightly but she nodded her head, "I know.. there's a reason I have a two month rule, but I liked him.. now I'm not so sure. I guess I'll see you at school. Feel better, Migs."

Carmin sat in between Oliver and Miguel, her head laying in her arms as she tried to get some rest. Their heads were lowered into their books, while Carmin shuffled around trying to get comfortable.

"So that's it? No more karate?" Demetri asked Miguel, who was doing a math problem. Miguel sighed lifting his hands up, "I guess so."

His voice was sad, and low, "It's probably for the best. It was starting to boost your confidence." Carmin lifted her head up slowly to glare at Demetri, who through his hands up. "Isn't that a good thing?"

Miguel asked his friend as Oliver shook his head from in between them. "No. What has confidence ever gotten anybody excerpt for a black eye and their backpack thrown in the trash?"

Carmin placed her head on her arm, "Let's see, a romantic partner, friends, fame, money, a job-." Oliver placed a hand over her mouth, she furrowed her brows but saw the look on the boys faces.

"Yeah, and I well, I thought it was kind of cool how you stood up to Kyler." Eli informed the group, Carmin nodded her head, "Yeah, you might not have won but that took guts, Migs."

Oliver furrowed his brows, "Migs?" Carmin lifted her brow at him, daring him to challenge her as the other boys ignored him. "Are you two insane? Let me ask you. What is the best superpower anyone could have?"

"Whenever you want something it appears, I want Prada boots." She lifted her hand up jokingly to try and conjure the boots, Oliver rolled his eyes slightly while Miguel and Eli laughed at her actions.

"Wrong, invisibility. A distant second would be super speed to run away fast." Demetri finished off while Carmin wore a pout on her face.

"Run away from who?" Kyler sided as he grabbed ahold of Eli, "You and your shark breath." Carmin challenged with an eye roll, "Ahh pretty girl, still dating this loser? Isn't it like way past two months now? When is it my turn?"

Kyler asked the girl, placing a hand over his heart, Carmin placed a hand on her chin, "How about...?" She went quiet doing math in her head, "Never."

She quipped a smile on her face before sending him a wink, he scowled at her but then turned to the boys. "We were just leaving." Miguel spoke as they quickly got up to leave.

"Hey, where you going? Oh, look at this freak." Kyler lifted Eli's face to examen it before making gagging noises. "Hey, come on, let him go." Oliver called to the two bullies, who shoved Eli away and turned to him.

"Who the fuck are you, rich boy?" Kyler quipped as he made his way towards Oliver, before being shoved back by Carmin. "Okay, you're done. Walk away, Kyler."

"Oh I'm done? Really? Why don't you make me-." He got in her face, before pushing her back by her shoulders, Miguel quickly pushed Kyler back, "Hey, don't put your hands on her!"

"You haven't had enough, Rhea?" Brucks pushed Miguel back, Miguel stayed quiet as did the others. "Get the hell out of here, man." Miguel turned around, taking Carmin's arm before pulling her out. Eli and Oliver quickly following behind them.

Oliver stared at the interlinked hands of Miguel and Carmin, he rolled his eyes at the sight. Letting out a scoff of annoyance as they exited the library.

"God, I hate that guy." Carmin grumbled loudly, "I can't believe he bullies you guys when his breath smells like dog shit." Miguel stood quietly for a moment as Demetri came out of the library with an annoyed face.

"Let's get out of here."


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