take on me

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season 2, episode 9
chapter song : duvet

"Wait, he did what?" Hawk shouted in slight anger as Carmin had explained to him, Aisha, Miguel and Tory what had happened the night before at the roller rink

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"Wait, he did what?" Hawk shouted in slight anger as Carmin had explained to him, Aisha, Miguel and Tory what had happened the night before at the roller rink. "It's not that big of a deal, I took care of it."

"Don't worry about it, Min, we'll handle it." Miguel argued going to stand up from the mat, but was stopped by Carmin and Aisha. "Migs, it's really fine, he was just a jerk."

Carmin waved her friend off, trying to calm him down. She wouldn't have told them anything had Tory not seen that the night prior Carmin's location was at the Larusso household.

Simply because Robby didn't want her to be home alone with what she had to go through the night before. Hawk and Miguel looked over at each other as if silently communicating between each other. They shared a nod, Carmin lifted an eyebrow but chose not to question it.

Instead, she went to change the topic, "Schools starting up soon." Her words caused a chorus of groans of annoyance from her friends. "Don't remind me." Tory groaned loudly, laying back on the ground. "Oh come on, it's not that bad."

"Not that bad? Carmin, you hate school." Miguel reminded the girl who shrugged her shoulders with a small grin on her face. "We're Juniors now, Migs, I'm only expecting the best. Something good is coming!"

Her friends couldn't help but smile as her slight excitement was seen in her sparkly eyes. "Which reminds me, we can finally deal with that Oliver, dude." Hawk smirked, cracking his knuckles, glancing over at Miguel.

"Oh, he's not coming back." Carmin's words caused Hawks smile to drop, "What?" "Wait, how do you know that Min?" Miguel asked, stopping his stretching momentarily, "I ran into him at the mall, he apologized for everything, and told me he'd gotten into a top school. He left like a month ago."

Carmin explained how she knew of her ex boyfriends leave. "Oh, and why didn't you tell me?" They all looked to Miguel who looked offended that he hadn't been the first to know. "It wasn't that big of a deal. It was a brief conversation."

"Yeah, Miguel, get off her ass." Tory joked, though she was slightly annoyed at how offended Miguel was. He was Carmin's best friend, it's not like she was legally inclined to tell him everything. Yet, he didn't seem to care with how little he knew about Tory.

"Fine." Miguel grumbled slightly as Johnny came into the dojo, everyone stood up and got into their usual rows. Tory subtly eyeing Miguel as he pushed Carmin to the front of the row.

The blonde wanted to hit herself on the head for being jealous of Carmin. Carmin was her closest friend and had been Miguel's best friend for longer than Tory had been there. And she'd always known of their closeness even before she got there.

But still, Miguel tried very little for Tory but would go to the end of the world for Carmin.

Ever since the roller rink incident, where Tory had hit Sam and Sam knocked down Tory. The girls of Cobra Kai had been going off with their training. Posting lots of videos to their social medias with cryptic captions, Tory's mainly targeting Sam. Carmin's usually targeted men as she had little problems with anyone.

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