glory of love

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season 2, episode 2
Back in Black
chapter song : heather

Carmin laid on Miguel's couch, her friend on the floor in front of her, 'The Sandlot' played on the screen

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Carmin laid on Miguel's couch, her friend on the floor in front of her, 'The Sandlot' played on the screen. It was one of Carmin's favorite movies of all time, Miguel had never seen it, so here they were. Unbeknownst to Miguel, Carmin's birthday was the next day.

"So what did you think?" Carmin asked as the ending credits began to play, their popcorn bowls long been empty. "It's a good movie, but I think you only watched it for Benny."

Carmin gasped, hand over her heart, "What?! No!" Miguel laughed at her dramatics, he didn't understand why Oliver hated how nerdy and dramatic she could be. It was cute and adorable in Miguel's and their friends eyes.

"It was my dads favorite, he took my mom to see it on their first date." Her face had fell slightly, Miguel took immediate notice, "You never really talk about them." Carmin looked at Miguel unsure for a moment.

"My mom, she's this big time surgeon, works in Seattle. My sister, Angela, she's a hot shot model who can do no wrong. I never really got along with them, it was hard you know, the distance." Miguel nodded his head in understanding, "Yeah, I get that."

"But me and my dad." Carmin played with her fingers which she did when she got sad, "He was my best friend.. we did everything together, he only worked sometimes so it was usually just us too. For my birthday, we would watch movies all day and have snacks. Aisha joined us when I turned 9 and then I turned 11, he was sick."

Her voice trailed off for a moment, Miguel gently took her hand, squeezing it, she smiled slightly, "My mom and sister, never came to check on him.. I lived in that house alone with nurses. And eventually, he passed away.. that's why I'm used to being alone, mom rarely comes home. My sisters got her own life.."

Miguel didn't know what to say, but at that moment he was extremely grateful to his mother and Yaya. "That's why.. I'm so grateful for you, Hawk and Aisha, I've never really had anyone like you guys before. So thank you, Miguel."

Miguel smiled slightly at her words, "Don't thank me, Min, you're my best friend, I'll always be here on your side." She smiled slightly at his words, "Look, there's a Sandlot 2 and 3.."

Carmin snatched the control, "2 is okay but 3.. we don't talk about 3."

Cobra Kai 🐍
rib smasher - aisha
el serpiente - miguel
moon snatcher - hawk

rib smasher -
we've got a problem

el serpiente -
what's up

moon snatcher -
who are
we fighting ?

el serpiente -
did you
forget to add min?

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