way of water

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season 3, episode 9
feel the night
chapter song : the grudge

season 3, episode 9feel the nightchapter song : the grudge

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Carmin had lost her spark.

Not the kind of spark that made someone lose their dedication. She was probably at the peak of her dedication to Cobra Kai. But she'd lost the spark in her eyes.

The kind Miguel used to love. Her happy spark, whenever she smiled, her eyes would light up but now most of her smiles were rather forceful. Robby had found a place to crash the night before as Mandy was home the whole day before  making it impossible for Robby to sneak in.

He'd promised to meet her after karate practice though. So the girl collected both Tory and Hawk from their respective homes and made her way down to the strip mall in Reseada.

"So, what? Are you guys beefing with two different dojos now?" Carmin asked as she entered the dojo, Tory and Hawk shared a shrug, "If you even wanna call whatever Sensei Lawrence is doing a dojo, then yeah."

Hawk answered before his face shifted into an annoyed one before angrily stormed further into the dojo. "What the hell are you doing here?" Carmin glanced up in curiosity when she found Robby, he sent her a half smile while she rolled her eyes in a teasing way, knowing Hawk was going to have a field day.

"Hold on there, Mr. Keene is our guest." Kreese pointed at Hawk, who looked taken aback by the news. Carmin shook her head disapprovingly at Robby, who was holding back a laugh. "Come here, son."

Kreese and Hawk headed to the office while Robby went to the back, Carmin followed soon after. Getting a curious look from Tory. "You slept here?"

Robby glanced over at his girlfriend, he shrugged his shoulders, "Kreese offered the space." Carmin looked around in distaste, "I'll talk to my mom, I'm sure she'll let you stay." Robby shook his head, "I'm fine here, okay? Don't worry about me, I've slept in rougher places."

"Robby, you're my boyfriend, I'm gonna worry about you even when I have nothing to worry about." Robby smiled slightly at her words, "Well, right now, you don't have too."

He began to fold up his clothes when Tory walked in, Carmin was stood beside the crouching Robby. "Quitting already?" Carmin glanced over at her, "Never joined in the first place." Robby replied, not even looking at the blonde girl. "I don't belong here."

Carmin scoffed at that, he looked up at her while Tory continued, "So you're running away? That worked out for you last time." Carmin shot the blonde a look, "I'm not running away." Robby replied standing up, glancing over at Carmin.

"I hated you for what happened to Miguel, you know. I hated Sam LaRusso. I hated everyone.. I hated myself the most though, especially after what I did too you, Carmin. I didn't have the luxury of running away. Sensei Kreese taught me that if you take all that hate, and you channel it..."

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