all coming back to me

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season 3, episode 8
the good, the bad and the badass
chapter song : can't catch me now

season 3, episode 8the good, the bad and the badasschapter song : can't catch me now

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Carmin was excited.

She had never been so excited in her life. It was December 18th. Which meant that Robby was getting out of juvie. And she was so excited. She couldn't remember the last time she was so happy and excited but also nervous for anything.

Nothing had ever got her so worked up and jittery, Robby was getting out today. And that meant so much to her. Anyone who'd seen her, even on such a rainy day, knew she was happy. It radiated off of her.

Even as she walked up the slippery steps to the all too familiar facility. Even as she watched Johnny and Daniel go back and forth, her smile didn't fall.

"This is fun." The two men broke apart to see the teenage girl, closing her umbrella. Clad in a pair of loose, mom jeans, and a black, off the shoulder, long sleeve. "What the hell are you doing here, Mint?"

Daniel slapped Johnny on the arm for his absurd tone at the 16 year old girl. "I am here to get Robby." Carmin answered, still very smiley, "Why?" Daniel asked the girl in confusion.

Johnny sighed, "They got well acquainted when he was in here. You shouldn't be here, your friendship with Miguel is on the rocks, if you get Robby-."

"I don't care what Miguel thinks... after what he said, I think it's fair to say our friendship is over." Johnny gasped, a genuine gasp, "What?!.."

"Is this about you rejoining Cobra Kai?" Daniel asked, Johnny gasped again, "You what?!" Carmin sighed, her smile falling for a second in annoyance, "Yeah, she and Sam got into a big stink about it."

"Are you two seriously ganging up on me? Look, Miguel made it clear he didn't want me in his life anymore and I have to respect that. And I'm not Cobra Kai, I'm just using the dojo for it's dummies. I mean, Kreese hasn't said anything about me kicking off 6 dummy heads so."

Carmin shrugged her shoulders, "This is your fault! Had you not brought Cobra Kai back into our lives, she would be sane!" Johnny scoffed, "That girl has been insane since I met her!"

Carmin's jaw dropped in offense but she didn't say anything about it as Robby came out from behind the door. "Seriously?" The two men broke apart again, "Robby." "Hey, Robby."

"I told you I don't want you here." Robby shot at his dad in annoyance, "You're my son, I wanted to be here." Johnny stood his ground, "So did I."

Daniel interjected, Robby glared at him, "Don't do me any favors, it was your fault I was in here." Daniel sighed as Johnny laughed, "Listen, I know you're upset but I was doing what was best for you. Now that you're out, I just want you to know you always have a home at Miyagi-Do."

"Or with me." Johnny stepped back in as Robby caught sight of Carmin behind them, his eyes brightened up. Both Johnny and Daniel turned to see Robby staring at the girl, he moved past them quickly. Pulling her into a hug. "Finally, I get to actually hug you."

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