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One day we heard some chaos going upstairs I thought it was a regular one but I heard some people coming downstairs, I was afraid thinking they might be goons until I saw them it was Daniel, David and Dalon with a lady inspector I saw Daniel coming towards me I was crying, he too had Tears in his eyes he undid my ropes he made me stand up I saw behind him my sisters were released and were crying hugging each other "am I really free now?" I asked Daniel. He took my palm and pinched it "Ouch!" I backed away "Do you believe it now?" he asked smiling "Yes thanks for making me believe it" I said a bit sarcastically. My sisters came and hugged me. I felt pain in my left arm. I tried to free myself from them but suddenly my head started to spin. I was suffocating there was some kind of strong smell that I smelt. I was allergic to strong smells. I held on to Catalina before I fainted.

I woke up in a room to find Catalina sitting beside me crying on my hand I moved my fingers to make her realise that I am awake "Hey!" greeted her she did not reply but helped me sit on the bed and then she ran outside the room I scrunched my face in confusion. She came back with Uncle James, Aunt Anna, Uncle Alex and Aunt Maria. I looked at everyone Uncle James came forward and caressed my head "How are you?" he asked "I don't know just a bit weak. I guess". I replied and then Aunt Anna and cried hugging me I hugged her back Aunt Maria too was crying she hugged me tightly I remembered my mother who used to do the same to me she usually did it after business trips when she returned. Uncle Alex smiled towards me I returned "Why is everyone crying so badly? Am I in that bad condition?" I asked "you were in a coma for the last 15 days" replied Daniel entering the room along with my sisters he had a bouquet of pink roses in his hands. my sisters were crying badly they all hugged me "Are you trying to leave us like mum and dad asked Mellina before I could reply "Don't you ever try to neglect your health again" said Marina and before I could reply again Catalina said "I was so worried for you this 15 days and on the top of that Uncle Lucifer and his family fled away from police" with that I slowly remembered everything right from my parents death till I fainted in the dark basement in the arms of Catalina I had a lot of questions running in my mind when my eyes went towards Daniel he came forward and whispered in my ear "I will answer all your questions but" he moved away and then continued "first get well soon bestie" I smiled and took the bouquet I love pink roses because of its colour and secondly they don't have strong smell but a very refreshing one that does not cause any harm to me.

3 days have passed since I returned to my home the day I was discharged and brought home. Aunt Maria welcomed me and took me to my room for a second I felt that it was not Aunt Maria but my mother I hugged her and cried.

But after that no one let me down from this bed I am all day long sitting, sleeping, and lying down here watching TV or reading books I am not allowed to step down from this bed. I am pretty much fine just the fracture on my left hand is still recovering. The D'Silvas come to visit me daily. Daniel brings me the pink roses always he also gave me a book to read so that I don't get bored. He is the perfect best friend anyone wants. Presently everyone is gathered in my room and waiting for Uncle James. I was said by Aunt Anna that someone wants to meet me I was waiting for them to come when I saw Uncle James enter my room with a man dressed as a lawyer

I was sitting on the couch and Aunt Anna helped me to sit here "hello Miss Katherina" he greeted "hello" I said "I am your father's lawyer and advocate and I am here to discuss about his business and assets" he said "ok please go ahead and I am listening" with that he explain me that after my father it was me who was supposed to handle all the business property and my mother was its caretaker but because my both parents died I am supposed to take overall the control in my hand all this was decided when I was 15 years old and because I have completed my 18 years long back I am suitable to handle the assets I was listening everything how my father has planned everything I had many emotions running from my mind I was happy that father decided me as the heir I was sad because my parents are no more to see me succeed I was worried I will I be able to handle this responsibility? "miss Shane, I want you to sign these papers here." the lawyer extended the pen to sign "no" I said everybody looked at me shocked "I want some time to think." I said and the lawyer nodded and stood up and walked away with David.

What do you think about this chapter ??

And about the Shane sisters? and also about Daniel?

Please do comment

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