Part 1 | Cruel World

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Welcome and thank you for taking the time to view my story! As you read, I would appreciate if you read the dialogue as though you were reading subtitles and imagined the characters speaking Korean. I think it makes it sound more realistic :) Enjoy!


It had started like any other day. Nothing was strange, nothing was out of place. Still, Choi San wished more than anything in the world he could turn back time and change what happened. How it all went wrong, he still could not comprehend.

The members of ATEEZ, a South Korean boy group, had been invited to perform on Music Bank to promote their latest album, released just days before the event. Their eight-member band was getting more and more popular, and they could not pass up the chance to perform in front of their seniors and spectators, so of course they were thrilled. Fans were loving the music, and everything was going smoothly. Their performance went well, and the members were delighted with the responses from fans.

If they had only known how the day would end, they definitely would not have performed that time.

San felt his normal adrenaline rush flow through him as their performance ended and they stepped off stage. He high-fived his members on the way down to their seats, and they felt like they were on top of the world. They could not be happier watching other bands take the stage and singing along the rest of the night. They sang the loudest when Stray Kids came on stage since they were pretty good friends with the members. He watched his bandmate Wooyoung tease Changbin when he came close to the edge of the stage.

San wished that Wooyoung accidentally distracting Changbin would have been the worst thing that would have happened that day.

After the show, their staff members and security guards guided the members to the door. San remembered hearing Wooyoung's high-pitched laugh over the noise of the arena as Changbin caught up to them and hit Wooyoung gently.

"You little bastard!" Changbin laughed "You knew what you were doing, I almost messed up the choreo!"

"As if the legendary Changbin from Stray Kids doesn't need to be humbled every so often," Wooyoung said, mocking his pouty lips. San sometimes felt like Wooyoung liked Changbin better than the members of his own band, and usually to an annoying degree. Wooyoung was San's best friend, but sometimes he made it painfully obvious that he would rather be talking to him. They continued their friendly banter until Hongjoong, ATEEZ's leader, was heard over them.

"Alright ATEEZ members, say goodnight to our friends, our car is this way!" Hongjoong announced, raising his hand to be seen by them and following their security guards toward the outside doors. There, most of them said their goodbyes and turned in the opposite direction as the Stray Kids members.

San wasn't sure Wooyoung had heard him as he was still talking loudly and laughing with Changbin, so he personally led Wooyoung away from him. He felt like he was interrupting something important.

"I'll talk to you soon, Binnie!" Wooyoung yelled after him as he was pulled away by San. He couldn't help but shake his head at Wooyoung's nickname for Changbin. Were they still in primary school? He pulled Wooyoung along, laying his arm around him and squeezing him into a half hug.

"You're such a weirdo," San teased Wooyoung, pinching his nose gently and smiling.

Wooyoung laughed and pulled away. "Aww is someone jealous that I have other friends besides you?" He mocked him.

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