Part 19 | Say My Name 🔞

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A gentle gust of wind ruffled Wooyoung's hair as he looked out over the railing in amazement. The table they were seated at provided a stunning view of Seoul from the roof of the hotel that seemed to touch the sky. It was approaching eight in the evening, so the air had cooled down from the summer heat, leaving only a comfortable warm breeze to accompany the soon-to-be-setting sun. The atmosphere was remarkable, but the company was better.

San had taken a moment to admire the view when they had arrived, but he spent more time giving heart eyes to Wooyoung from across the table. Wooyoung felt himself blush when he noticed; now was he suggesting that he was more beautiful than the fiery city sunset? He was so flustered he felt like he had to start fighting back.

Clearing his throat, Wooyoung turned his attention to the menu. "The view is that way, in case you didn't know," he told him in a snarky tone.

San sat back in his chair with a long exhale, finally looking out over the city skyline. The shining lights of the buildings below and twinkling bulbs overhead made his eyes glimmer. "Yeah, it's beautiful," he admitted, taking it in for a moment before returning adoring eyes to Wooyoung. "Almost as beautiful as the view in front of me..."

Wooyoung bit his lip, trying and failing to stifle the smirk that formed on his mouth. He was good. Wooyoung played it cool and ignored the compliment while continuing to look through the menu. "What are you going to get?"

"I'm not sure yet," San told him, opening his menu for the first time. "When I searched online the dakgalbi looked delicious, but I don't think that's what I'm hungry for tonight. Are you on the menu anywhere?"

Wooyoung scoffed out loud. He was getting even more creative, but two could play at that game. "No, not on this one, but I bet you could order me for room service..." His provocative eyes teased San from under their lids.

San chuckled, letting out a long breath while his mouth curved into a small smile. He had him flustered now too. "Oh, just you wait, Young-ah..." It almost sounded like a warning.

Wooyoung smirked and giggled excitedly under his breath. It was going to be one hell of a night, that was for sure. The waiter showed up shortly after and took their drink orders. Wooyoung excitedly ordered a pretty-looking cocktail he had seen pictured on the menu, and San cautiously requested a pint of their finest draft beer; due to his tolerance, that was probably all he was going to have that night.

After placing their drink order, San flipped through the menu before stopping on the last page, his eyes lighting up when he spotted something. He gasped. "Woo, look what they have!" he said excitedly, turning his menu so he could see.

"Abura soba?!" Wooyoung gasped, laughing at their obsession with the Japanese noodle dish. "That sounds so good!"

"Well that's decided," San chuckled, closing his menu and putting it at the edge of the table with Wooyoung's. Once the waiter brought their drinks, San ordered two large bowls of abura soba for the table.

Wooyoung's drink was beautiful! Different shades of blue swirled together above and below the ice, and a cute lemon slice decorated the rim of the glass. Of course, he had to snap a few pictures for Instagram.

San watched him amusedly as he moved his phone camera around it, trying to capture every angle of the fancy drink. Wooyoung only noticed him watching after taking what was probably the tenth picture. He eyed San as he put his phone down and stirred his drink around with the black straw.

"What? Are you jealous that I got a pretty drink and you got a boring beer?"

San chuckled under his breath. "No, but I was wondering if I could have a taste..."

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