Part 10 | Answer

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Wooyoung's eyes blinked open to a pitch-black room. It took him a few moments to remember where he was. He stared blankly into the darkness of the room and immediately felt disoriented as he looked around. The entire room was dark except for the dim light coming from the window through partially drawn curtains. He took a deep breath, rubbing his eyes and yawning as he stretched his limbs. He must have fallen asleep. What time was it?

Wooyoung propped himself up on his elbows and looked around the room through sleepy eyes. San was no longer next to him. He reached for the lamp just within his reach, squinting in the light as he turned it on. His eyes took a moment to adjust, and that's when he noticed the note on the bedside table. Wooyoung reached for it and blinked some of the sleep out of his eyes before beginning to read.

 Wooyoung reached for it and blinked some of the sleep out of his eyes before beginning to read

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Sorry I had to leave but the members were getting grumpy waiting for dinner

I thought you could use some space too

Have a good rest and I'll see you soon

I love you~


Wooyoung set the note back down with a sigh. So he was alone again. Fantastic. Because being alone with his thoughts after his life had changed all within the past day was going to be so good for him.

As he woke up more, Wooyoung slowly started to remember what had happened before San left. A knot formed in his stomach and he couldn't tell if it was from excitement or apprehension. He didn't want to admit it to himself, but he had loved it. Every second of it. And he had no idea what to do with that information. Wooyoung laid his head back into his pillow with a long sigh. The feeling of San's fingers still echoed on his skin sending shivers down his spine even now. He hated how much he missed him.

Wooyoung still had a hard time processing it all. It was true that San had been there for him more than anyone since their debut and there was no one he trusted more in the world, but until that day, he never considered that he might be gay. Yet it seemed like San had held back his feelings for years.

Wooyoung still felt like a stranger to himself. How had he misinterpreted his feelings for his entire life? Why had he let himself be convinced that being straight was the only option? How was he going to get to know himself again when he had thought he was a completely different person?

Wooyoung rubbed his eyes, feeling a headache start to pound in his temples. Why was he having such a hard time accepting it? Maybe it wasn't just because of his sexuality not being what he thought, but also because of the drastic change in his relationship with his best friend. Was he still considered his best friend? What were they now? So little had changed, yet so much. Just by the one small moment of intimacy, everything was different.

Wooyoung reached for his phone and when he brought it towards him, he saw that it was almost nine o'clock. That's when he felt his stomach start to growl. Wasn't someone supposed to have brought him dinner by now?

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