Part 15 | New World

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Waking up in San's bed was a feeling Wooyoung had missed so much. They had cracked the window open the night before so he was immediately met with the fresh smell of outside along with the sound of birds welcoming the morning. His eyes opened to the sunshine beaming into the room making him squint before rolling over to face San. He was still fast asleep. He was calmly breathing, looking so peaceful as he lay on his side with the blanket clutched up to his chest. Wooyoung smiled, enthralled by his beauty. What had he ever done to deserve him?

Just minutes after, San's phone started playing a loud song and vibrating on his bedside table. It must have been his alarm. Wooyoung closed his eyes and pretended to be sleeping just before San groaned and rolled over to grab his phone and stop the noise. After fumbling with his phone on the table for a few moments, the noise finally stopped. San let his head fall face-first into his pillow and breathed a deep sigh.

Eventually, San rolled over to face him and Wooyoung opened his eyes to smile sadly at him. He knew that San had to spend most of the day at practice along with the rest of the members since their first show back was tomorrow. But he didn't want to be left alone.

San returned his smile when he saw Wooyoung's face, reaching over to play with the hair framing his face. "Good morning..." he told him groggily, barely able to keep his eyes open.

Wooyoung stuck out his bottom lip in a pout. "Do you really have to go?" he asked with pleading eyes.

San sighed and nodded reluctantly. "The show is tomorrow and I already feel behind from skipping a couple days," he explained. "I don't want our team to suffer because of me,"

Wooyoung understood where he was coming from, but that didn't mean he liked it. He continued to pout as San sat up, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. Wooyoung carefully began to slide the blanket down, revealing the upper half of his body.

"You can't even stay for a little morning fun?" Wooyoung asked with a teasing glint in his eyes.

San glanced at him, a corner of his mouth curving upward. He scanned him for a moment before removing the blanket from his lap and preparing to get up. "You're very tempting, but you'll make me late,"

Wooyoung grabbed his arm and stopped him from moving. "The members won't leave without you, it's fine," he whined.

"You have too much faith in them," San chuckled, leaning his back against the headboard.

Wooyoung moved closer, hugging his arm tight and San leaned his cheek against his head. He gave Wooyoung's forehead a soft kiss.

"Don't leave..." Wooyoung pleaded softly, pouting.

"Why don't you come with us?" San suggested suddenly.

Wooyoung hadn't even thought about it. It didn't sound like a terrible idea. The thought of leaving the safety of their home scared him a little bit, but as long as they remained discreet in public he would feel safe: especially if he was with San.

Wooyoung looked up at him. "Really? You think I should?"

"I don't see why not," San shrugged. "Injured or not, you're still a member of the dance line. You could sit on the side and help us monitor. And I just know you want to watch me dance..." he teased, nuzzling his cheek.

Wooyoung giggled; he definitely wasn't wrong. "Maybe I do..."

San grinned down at him. "So you'll come?"

Wooyoung matched his smile and nodded, surprisingly excited to go back to their agency and pretend his life was normal for a little while, even if he was just sitting on the side.

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