Part 6 | Blue Summer

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Seonghwa took a hungry bite of his breakfast sandwich as he shot another nervous glance toward the hospital entrance. He and Yunho had decided to eat their own meals in the cafeteria while they allowed San and Wooyoung to have their time together. Seonghwa was sure they needed it. Meanwhile, he still kept a close eye on the entrance, watching for Minho. He was glad Yunho couldn't tell how fast his heart was beating.

Yunho fidgeted with his necktie, loosening it now that his acting role was over with. "You'd think he would at least have ordered enough food for all of us," he laughed slightly, but Seonghwa could tell he was a little irritated.

Seonghwa smiled in amusement. "What did he say to get you to do that?"

Yunho chuckled, his eyes drifting to the ceiling. "He promised me it would be worth it just to make Wooyoung laugh. And I did that and made them both happy, so I guess it was worth it," he took another bite of his breakfast burrito. "But San better be buying us dinner,"

Seonghwa looked down at the sandwich in his hands and nodded in agreement. When Yunho wasn't looking, he stole another quick glance at the entrance but still nothing. He would probably drive himself crazy looking for someone who didn't want to be found. "Wasn't Mingi supposed to come with us this morning?" Seonghwa asked him, trying to think of anything else.

Yunho nodded with an amused grin. "I couldn't get him up. I knocked on his door a few times and he just groaned at me,"

Seonghwa snickered, understanding. "Yeah, that sounds like him," Another glance at the entrance and he realized he was giving himself a headache. Seonghwa tried to relax his body with a long exhale as he rested his cheek on his hand. He was even losing his appetite.

Yunho was beginning to notice something was up. He tilted his head trying to catch Seonghwa's wandering gaze. "Hey," he spoke with sympathy in his voice. "Why do I get the sense you'd rather be doing something else?"

Seonghwa finally looked at him and locked eyes. He sighed, apologetically; he had never wanted to make him feel like that. "I'm sorry Yunho-ssi. I do appreciate your company, I guess there's just a lot on my mind,"

Yunho nodded understandingly, then sat forward resting his elbows on the table. "I'm a good listener," he shrugged.

Seonghwa smiled, staring at the table. "It's okay, I wouldn't want to burden you..."

Yunho kept staring at him sympathetically, but Seonghwa still avoided eye contact. "I'm serious," Yunho told him. "I noticed how weird you were acting at practice yesterday too. Whatever you're going through, you don't have to do it alone,"

Seonghwa winced slightly. He had never been very good at hiding how he was feeling, and if Yunho noticed, all the members probably did too. He knew he was eventually going to have to tell his trusted members about his sexuality; they always confided in him, so he knew he could do the same, just as he had done with Wooyoung. With the embarrassment he felt over his latest fling, however, it just wasn't the right time.

Seonghwa was about to answer him when movement from across the room caught his eye and he noticed two figures approaching them. Relief flooded over him when he saw it was just Hongjoong and Mingi entering the hospital. That was when he realized just how much he didn't want Minho to walk through that door.

Just as Yunho turned to check what Seonghwa was looking at, Mingi got close enough to grab his shoulders, trying to scare him from behind. Yunho laughed at him, as he had seen it coming just in time, but Mingi attacked with a back hug anyway.

Seonghwa smiled at Hongjoong as he followed close behind. "Good morning," he said warmly, snaking his arm around Hongjoong's waist in a half-hug as he stood next to him.

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