Part 18 | Blind

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The moment Wooyoung stepped out of the rental car, he couldn't believe his eyes. The hotel was massive and looked like a million bucks even from the outside. The car was sheltered by a glass skylight with a dark border, and the sun shining through created beautiful patterns and rainbow glints of light on the stone pathway below. Gangnam truly was the most luxurious part of Seoul.

This place looked like it was only for the filthy rich, but that was to be expected on this side of town. The sleek dark brick seemed to go up for miles, and it had to be at least thirty floors high, an intimidating but majestic presence. Every inch was covered with some type of modern architecture or decor, each detail seeming to boast the hotel's expensive value.

Wooyoung had been so busy staring that he hadn't noticed San had already removed their duffle bags from the trunk and returned to his side. He handed the keys to the valet driver, nodded his thanks, and smiled at Wooyoung proudly. "So you like it?"

Wooyoung's face must have given it all away. "Sanie, how much did this cost?"

"Don't worry about that," San told him, slinging both of their bags on his shoulders to carry. "I asked if you liked it,"

Despite his concern about the price, Wooyoung nodded. "Of course, it's gorgeous here,"

"Then that's all that matters," San beamed, his palm finding its place on Wooyoung's back as he urged him forward toward the intimidating glass doors that seemed like they might swallow him.

Once they entered the foyer, Wooyoung found himself even more impressed. This place had to have been built for the biggest movie stars of all time. Contrary to the dark outside, the inside was lightened by a shiny white tile floor, the walls a light neutral color with black accents and borders. In the center of the room, a three-tiered fountain created a light, refreshing mist when they walked passed it toward the desk. There was not a spot of dirt anywhere that could be seen, and it seemed as though the smartly dressed employees might kick someone out if they walked in with dirty shoes.

San seemed to have been right about mostly celebrities staying at this hotel. The other guests standing around and chatting in the lobby were very well dressed in luxury brands, hair and makeup perfectly done. Wooyoung actually recognized an actor from a show he used to watch but knew that he shouldn't ask for an autograph for fear of appearing out of place. Now he knew why San had suggested they put on makeup and dress their best before driving here.

As he stood beside San at the front desk while he was checking them in, Wooyoung suddenly felt a smirk tugging at his lips. San really prepared all this for him? It had to have cost a fortune even for only one night, but still, San had set all this up as a surprise and hadn't asked for a cent in return. Wooyoung adored being treated so well.

San took the room keys from the receptionist, bowed his head as he thanked her, and picked up his bag from the floor. Wooyoung went to pick up his own bag but San beat him to it.

Wooyoung gave him a look mixed with gratitude and sympathy for being saddled with both bags. "You don't have to carry mine," he told him, truthfully having no intention of taking it back since his laptop made his bag heavier.

"Of course I do," San gave him an incredulous look, holding the bag out of his reach. "No unlabeled partner of mine will be carrying anything heavy as long as I'm here,"

"Unlabled partner?" Wooyoung laughed as they reached the elevator. "That sounds like a label to me,"

San stepped forward with a smirk on his face as he pressed a button on the panel. "Well I could just call you mine, it has a better ring to it,"

Wooyoung had to admit he was impressed with his creativity and persistence. But while stifling a smirk, he rolled his eyes. "Choi San, we've talked about this,"

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