Part 2 | One Day at a Time

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Wooyoung's eyes squinted before even opening in the morning. He could feel the sunlight shining in through the window. It didn't feel familiar like his bed at home. His whole head was fuzzy and his memory didn't allow him an explanation of where he was. He couldn't distinguish between what had been a dream and what was reality. Wooyoung's eyes finally blinked open, squinting as his eyes adjusted to the light, and he looked toward the window. He didn't recognize the view from the room he was in.

Suddenly, pain shot through his body coming from his left side. He grunted and sat back, as his movement had seemed to trigger it. His eyes squeezed shut again, fighting the pain and trying desperately to remember what had happened. Why was he in a hospital? Where was everyone? What happened after the show? Why was he in so much pain just from sitting up a little?

Once the pain subsided a bit, he looked around his room. He hadn't noticed the extra bed next to him, and he was confused when he saw Yeosang and San fast asleep in it. They were both facing him as if they had fallen asleep keeping watch over him. Had his injury really been that serious? His head was still cloudy and he hoped it would clear up soon. He glanced down to where the pain was coming from and peeked at it under his gown. Several layers of bandages were neatly wrapped around his midsection just above his hips. He didn't know why he wanted to, but his intrusive thoughts won and he poked at it to see where the most pain was coming from. He winced when he found where the center of the wound must have been: just above his left hip bone.

He looked over again at his sleeping friends. "Hyung?" Wooyoung whispered, turning his head to Yeosang as he was the closest to him. "Hyung?" He really needed to hear an explanation from someone he trusted.

Yeosang eventually stirred a little, and then his eyes blinked open. As soon as he saw Wooyoung, his eyes got wider and he sat up quickly, trying to rub the sleepiness from his eyes. "Wooyoung?" His voice was sleepy, and he acted as if he was seeing a ghost.

Without taking his eyes off Wooyoung, Yeosang practically fell out of bed and stumbled over to him. He was only wearing his underwear and a tank top. Yeosang propped himself up on Wooyoung's bed and stared at him, still trying to wake up, but then he wrapped his arms around Wooyoung's neck in a warm hug. As Wooyoung was trying to figure out what he had done to earn this, he started to hear sniffling behind his ear.

"Hyung? Are you alright?" Wooyoung asked him, concerned.

After a few more moments, Yeosang let go and stared at him, beaming, his eyes glistening with happy tears. "I should be asking you that," he told him, wiping his eyes. "You have no idea how good it is to hear your voice,"

Wooyoung stared at him in disbelief. He still didn't remember what had happened to have made them worry this much. But he smiled at his hyung. "It's good to see you too, Yeosang,"

Yeosang pulled up a chair between him and the outside window. His eyes wandered down to Wooyoung's midsection. "So, how is your pain today?" he asked him cautiously, meeting his eyes again.

"It hurts," Wooyoung sighed, laying his head on its side to look at him, his bottom lip puffed out. "What even happened yesterday? I don't even remember coming here..."

Yeosang tilted his head sympathetically, laying a hand on Wooyoung's arm. "How much do you remember?"

Wooyoung looked at the ceiling and thought about it. "Well for starters, I do remember the show, because I stepped wrong during Halazia and I'm still upset about it," he pouted. He hated making mistakes during shows since they put so much work into rehearsal.

Yeosang laughed softly. "Wooyoung, that's very low on the list of things to worry about right now, I'm sure no one even noticed,"

Wooyoung looked over at him again with a playful glare. "I noticed. Anyway, I remember talking to Changbin, and I remember leaving the building, but after that, I'm pretty fuzzy,"

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