Part 4 | Feeling Like I Do

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 "Hey, stop it!" Wooyoung laughed, shoving San's hand away. He was trying to feed him the dinner the nurse had just brought him. Wooyoung still didn't have a huge appetite, but San knew he had always loved bulgogi.

"It's gonna get cold if you just keep staring at it, dummy," San told him, snickering. He once again used the chopsticks to hold out a piece of beef to Wooyoung, his other hand preventing the sauce from dripping on him. "Take one bite and your appetite will come flooding back, I'm sure of it,"

Wooyoung had to admit it smelled pretty good, especially for hospital food. And San wasn't going to give up anytime soon. With a reluctant sigh, Wooyoung turned his gaze to San. "If I eat that bite, are you going to let me eat the rest myself?" he asked, raising his eyebrows.

San looked to the side, pressing his lips together to hide a grin. "I don't know, Wooyoung. You can't even pee by yourself, are you sure you can handle it?"

Wooyoung rolled his eyes. "Hilarious," he mocked him, finally reaching his head forward to receive the bite of food. He barely got his mouth around the giant bite he offered, and he gasped slightly when he felt the sauce dripping down his chin. Thankfully, San's hand was still there to catch it before it fell onto his blanket. Wooyoung's eyes widened at the close call. "Thank you," he mumbled with his mouth full of beef.

San chuckled as he grabbed a napkin from his tray table and wiped off his hand. "You're welcome," He answered. "See? I knew you'd need my help,"

Wooyoung playfully lunged at him, unable to verbally defend himself while chewing his food. He breathed out through his nose quickly a few times, chuckling with his mouth closed. San laughed along with him.

Eventually, when Wooyoung was almost finished chewing, San offered him the chopsticks so that he could eat on his own. Wooyoung took them, feigning irritation since he should have had them to begin with, and continued to eat. San sat back and watched him, a grin spread across his face as if he was proud that he could do it on his own.

"So it's good?" San asked him eagerly. When Wooyoung nodded, San breathed a sigh of relief. "I'm glad you're appetite is back. You should just always listen to me, you know. I'm usually right,"

Wooyoung shook his head, still softly laughing with a mouthful of food while he picked up a napkin and wiped his mouth. Wooyoung was also pleasantly surprised by how good the food tasted once he actually started eating. He saw it as a sign that he was getting at least a little better. It was probably also due to the fact that he hadn't eaten most of his breakfast or lunch, and there had quite literally been a hole in his stomach under 24 hours ago. Under all those circumstances, he was very glad to be able to eat well again.

"Don't forget to take this," San nudged the antibiotic pill the nurse had prescribed closer to him. It was the one that was supposed to prevent further infection.

Wooyoung nodded, a corner of his mouth lifting. "I won't." He wanted to save it for when he had some more food in his stomach. It was cute how San was looking out for him.

"The sooner you take it, the sooner it will help you..." San shrugged with a sideways glance.

Wooyoung sighed, chuckling slightly. "You're just never going to leave me alone until I recover, are you?" He gave in, putting the chopsticks down and placing the pill in his mouth. He washed it down with a big gulp of water.

"What makes you think I'm going to leave you alone once you get out of here?" San raised an eyebrow as Wooyoung laughed. "I'm just trying to make sure you're taken care of, Woo,"

"I know," Wooyoung beamed, picking up his chopsticks again. "I honestly appreciate all you've done for me today. Despite what I say, I'm so glad you're here,"

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